RX Signals - the good, the bad and the ugly ...

My receive system comprises an Elecraft K3 and a YAESU FTDX5000MP. Each Radios IF output is feed via a 3dB attenuator through a homemade IF switch, via a Clifton Laboratories Z10000 buffer amp with ~ 12dB gain and then via a 10dB attenuator into an SDR-IQ. The software to drive the SDR-IQ is latest SpectraVue Version. No callsigns are displayed, but if you run a log, signals are dated and time-stamped so you can see if it is your signal or not.

And if you are on this page maybe this will help you "How to setup my Radio for Quality SSB Audio"

Signal displayed are Australian signals only !

Pic. 1

Picture 1 shows us a nice signal at 7.060MHz, nice audio at approx. 2.8kHz bandwidth.

Pic. 2

Picture 2 shows us an ESSB signal that is well behaved. I'm not a fan of ESSB,

bandwidth is over 3kHz wide, clean but why!

Pic. 3

Picture 3 shows us two nice signals.

The first one has quite a lot of emphasis on the low (around 200-400Hz)

this makes the signal sound rather bassy, but it is not over driven.

The second shows a lot better balanced audio and can be classified as very good communications audio.

The bandwidth of both signals are approx 2.8kHz (200-3000Hz). I hesitate a guess that the bottom signal would still sound rather nice at 2.6kHz or even 2.4kHz bandwidth.

Pic. 4

Here we have a fairly noisy band with quite a few nice signals.

Pic. 5

Wide but, quite a bit of low end at about 500Hz but well behaved.

Pic. 6

Now look at this b'wed signal!

I've had no issue copying the weak signal on 7.143MHz, due to the impecable signal on 7.140MHz.

Pic. 7

I need to have my NARROW BAND signal as wide as possible, I want to sound like John Laws (AM BC)

Users of the ICOM IC-7410, IC-9100 and Yaesu's FT-1200, FT-950, FT-2000, FT-3000 tend to end up with signals like this.

Pic. 8

I'm looking at the ALC and it has not reach the END.

Pic. 9

WTF ...

Well, a few ugly signals, well past bad ...

'nough said ...

Pic. 10

Oh my gosh ... linear service what that hell is that? They didn't teach anything about linearity at the

"How to be the loudest CB-Station" course.

Pic. 11

I tried to work the station on 3.585MHz, but to no avail ...

Pic. 12

Picture12 shows us that there is "NOTHING WRONG" with my signal, "YOU ARE ENVIOUS" about this cool audio.

"REALLY ....."

Pic. 13

Picture13 shows an AM signal that "HAS A SPECIAL HIGH POWER LICENSE", which seems to equate to "WE ARE ALLOWED TO SPLATTER LIKE HELL"

Even after complaints from other Amateur Radio Operators, it has not improved.

Pic. 14

The GOOD and the BAD at picture 14.

Here you can see the difference between a nice AM signal, setup by an amateur radio operator with the appropriate know-how and another AM station that does have a "SPECIAL HIGH POWER LICENSE".

Pic. 15

Picture15 is another nice example of to much bass (around 300Hz) with to much mic gain.

Almost all ICOM IC-7410's, IC-9100's and not forgetting all the newer YAESU's models (2000,1200,3000,950), if they are not setup

properly they tend to look like this and are of poor tx quality.

Pic. 16

Look what the cat dragged in, here we have another interesting Amateur Radio AM signal! Rules what rules.....

It is interesting to note that the Operator does not believe in a spectrum display (Spectrum Analysis)

!!! They are all wrong !!!

According to this (OLDTIMER) the spectrum display is wrong! I'm sure if he uses a CRO, he'll see that he is wrong!

Not sure what to make out of his comment ....

Pic. 17

Oh my ... what have we here !!! Here we can the "SPECIAL HIGH POWER LICENSED STATION" having NO ISSUE ....

I would have thought that they monitor the signal that they are transmitting, but ....

Pic. 18

This shows us an interesting signal ...

According to an Advanced licensed amateur this ugly signal at figure 18,

it is "FEED BACK FROM A HEARING AID" ! (What ????)

Others where very quick to point out "THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE SIGNAL" !

(Nothing wrong ... are you deaf ...)

And another lot, acknowledged that if the operator spoke to loud into the microphone it sounded a "BIT SCRATCHY" !

Hmmm, to me it sounded like a power supply issue. Every time the radio needed more current the power supply struggled to supply the required power and so the radio started to operate non linear.

This signal showed up on the bands for weeks on end, I hope nothing happen to the poor old radio. Guess the operator bet on the wrong horse.....

BTW: All on frequency where boasting about their long time affiliation with "RADIO" (CB my guess).

Pic. 19

Here we have a very expensive flexible SDR radio driving a Yaesu Quadra (linear) amplifier !

Yes, I know "PEOPLE HAVE COMMENTED ON THE SIGNAL" but there is nothing wrong with my station.

"NOTHING WRONG !" .... Ok if you say so.

However, a little googeling showed that this is a KNOWN issues and that a fix is available

Pic. 20

This looks to be an over driven AM - or maybe a DSB signal, but no sadly it is supposed to be an SSB signal.

Pic. 21

The band is quiet, lets turn all knobs to the left.

Pic. 22


Not a single station on the frequency had any issues with this signal.

Even after being asked to reduce the mic gain because of SPLATTER, the station asking got ridiculed by all on frequency.

CB Radio mentality at its best.

Interesting display of HAM SPIRIT ! You better join this NET if you like this kind of behaviour.

Pic. 23

Just fixed this radio, how does it sound?

Sounds very nice, works very well!

Really, please tell him about the rotten signal quality .... fixing ain't fixing!

Pic. 24

This is a Yaesu FT-950, plus an amplifier ... The processor was trying to pump the background.

Annoyed OP: Hi good buddy your signal is rather wide !

Friend of OP1: Looks good on my Spectrum Analyser ! Audio is a bit distorted, but she'll be right mate ....

OP1: Yeah, I don't hit the end of the ALC, so it can't be my signal ....

Woha, this is the new breed of Australian Amateur Radio Operators!

They spruce off to have 20-30 year experience in RADIO, what ever that means.

Ex CB-Pirates by the look of their signals & their behavior.

Pic. 25

Here we have a WIA Assessor that knows his stuff (or does he). This is a YAESU FT-950, very difficult to tame. Too much bass and so we have inband intermods which equals plenty of splatter, but as an Assessor I would know this. I also would know how to use a CRO to check my signal. Interesting to note that he had an issue with the signal on 7.170MHz. This seems to be the NEW standard in Australia, worst, soon these AMATEURS will be able to use a KILOWATT to make it even more difficult for everyone.What is being taught to the new AMATEUR RADIO member? How to twiddle knobs or how to become a knoob. I thought this is a technical hobby, but it looks like it is glorified Citizen Band. Maybe I should not be that critical, it is classed as EXPERIMENTAL RADIO after all.

Pic. 26

Now lets look at this. The right signal at around 7180 has pretty good audio (could do with a bit more balance but ...), however the signal at 7158 is not only emphasizing the lower audio spectrum, but also the operator is over-driving his nice shiny toy (Knobs to the left syndrome).

Pic. 26

Nope, it is ONE signal not two ....

Setup has changed, slightly. I'm now using an ANAN 100D and OpenHPSDR mRX PS.

Setup has changed, slightly. I'm now using an ANAN 100D and OpenHPSDR mRX PS.

Pic. 27

Two beaut signals .... The left one is an over driven analog signal and the right one an over driven digital signal .....

Pic. 28

Oh, here is another one .....

Pic. 29

Look at me .... I support the 'DX code of Conduct' !!!! Really ..... do you now ......

Pic. 30

This is not a COMMERCIAL Broadcast Station, NO NO !!!

This is the national AR representation !!! Lets teach everyone how to use the Bands .....

Pic. 31

Hmmm, make up your own mind ... but NO BODY mentioned the distorted audio and I mean nobody, yet it was clearly audible that something struggled ...

Pic. 32

This signal first showed up on 28.490MHz. And shortly after jumped to 28.530MHz. What? Why is it here on the HALL of SHAME?

Well, it is actually a signal that was first on 14.245MHz and then moved of to 14.265MHz! Hint: second harmonic. Yep, one of the locals. Tried to politely tell him ....

but crikey did he get offensive and outright aggressive. Not sure if that was/is a CB hanger on, but as Amateur I would have expected better. See the offending signal below ..... Oh and yes .... Nothing has changed he is still over driving his poor amplifier.

Pic. 33

The offending signal of the 10m bleed-through .....

Pic. 34

And here we have an ICOM IC-725 with an SM-20 Mic and a YAESU FL-2100 ....

Wow does this GUY know how to setup a radio! You should listen to the AUDIO (BASS CUT OFF) purrrrrfect .....


Not like the new BREED of wanna bees with 20 years plus in (CB)RADIO which BUZZ around the band these day's.

Pic. 35

Here is another over-driven radio. Look at the speech breaks, no speech. yet still lots of power. A very nice demonstration of how NOT to do it.

Pic. 36

Here we have a good demonstration of to much bass! Look at the whistle .... Nice and clean.

But then the speech pattern display's the in-band IM.

Yes, the signal on 7135.


As can be seen it is possible....

An Anan 100D with Amplifier ... I'd guess it is running PureSignal.


A bunch of nice signals to the right,and then the fail to the left.


The above shows two stations. The top one, without the line to the right is the current talking one and the bottom one has the line to the right.

The bottom one is a rather nice signal, well contained but the carrier suppression needs a bit of attention.



Wow must be a bad SWAR !

Just managed to get his advanced CB Lic !

"I now can produce the same crappy signal on 10m as I did on 11m !"

Congratulation to the WIA for giving him a helping hand!


Quite a few issue that need to be addressed,

first of all the low end needs to be reduced.

Then it's time to check the mic gain.

Also an understanding of ALC could improve this.



Here we see very poor band-planning. The National Sunday broadcast on 7135, 7140 and then

the BIG AM SIGNAL on 7416 blowing away the reception of the 7140 signal. At least they have managed to TAME

their AM signal to HALF of their usual spread ! (see above pics)



Really, this is labeled as a good signal by the NEW breed of Amateurs (NET's) ...

Pic. 44

And here we have another "bewd" signal.

Listening to the signal one could clearly hear the compressor pumping the background noise.

Nearly as loud as the voice (user shouting in too the mike).

Pic. 45

Bass Bass and more Bass.

Another poor operator that is trying to have s3x with his beloved FT-2000 ...


Building them and making them work are two different things ....

"I'm looking at a meter and it hits the end quite hard ... I also seem to have a bit of a voltage drop ...."

Well then stop transmitting and fix the issue.


Sad so sad, no wonder the new bread of Hamatuers don't know better ....




Pic.48 & 49 show you my ICOM IC-7300 running 100W just meters away from my ANAN.

ANAN connected to a dummy load (Pic.48) and connected to a my ZS6BKW (Pic.49)

At Pic.48 we see about 40dB down on the beginning of the blooming of the signal (Phase Noise) and at Pic.49 it's down to 34dB.

Draw your own conclusion as to some of the horrid signals that we see/hear on air from some of the IC-7K3's.