Beatriz Gil-Gómez de Liaño is Professor at the School of Psychology at UAM and head of the lab. She received AB in 2000 and PhD in 2005 under the supervision of Prof. Juan Botella in Visual attention, both in Psychology at UAM, Spain. Her postdoc training came from several stays at the Universitá degli Studi di Padova with Prof. Carlo Umiltá working with Traumatic Brain Injury Patients, at the MIT with Prof. Molly Potter working in RSVP attentional tasks, and at the BWH-Harvard Medical with Prof. Jeremy Wolfe working in Visual Search; all of them thanks to grants coming from the Ministry of Spain and the Fulbright Commission. She received another Fulbright Grant with Prof. Jeremy Wolfe in 2018, as Senior Researcher (Salvador de Madariaga, Ministry of Spain), and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship both at the BWH-Harvard Medical with Prof. Jeremy Wolfe, and at the University of Cambridge with Prof. Zoe Kourtzi, to study visual attention in children. She has taught Psychology for more than 15 years, specifically Methods in Psychology and RRHH, and Stats in Psychology both for undergrad and grad students. From her training as a professor in Methodology in RRHH, she also collaborates advising in methods and decision-making process in behavioral economics and alike disciplines. She also loves to travel and hiking with her husband David and her three children Martin (13), Hugo (11) and Lucía (8). Personal Website



Elena Pérez-Hernández is Associate Professor at the School of Psychology at UAM and Co-Principal investigator in the lab. She received her AB in Psychology in 2002 at UCM, and her PhD in 2008 in Neuropsychology under the supervision of Sara Fernández Guinea and Javier González Marqués at UCM, Spain. She has also a Máster degree in Child Neuropsychology at UCM in 2005 and a Master in Learning Disability Interventions in 2007 at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Vic, Spain. Her research and teaching activity have focused mainly on the field of child cognitive and neuropsychological development. She has published several articles in national and international journals and has participated as author in different books related to the field of neuropsychology. As a teacher, she teaches different subjects in the Undergraduate program and in the Postgraduate courses of the Master in Educational Psychology of the UAM, Master in Child Neuropsychology of the Complutense University of Madrid and in the Postgraduate courses in Neuroeducation and Optimization of Capacities and Neuropsychology of the ISEP; Master in Education and Cognitive Processes of the Nebrija University of Madrid.



Nieves Pérez-Mata is Associate Professor at the School of Psychology at UAM and Senior Researcher in the lab. She received her AB in 1993 and her PhD in 2000 both in Psychology and Experimental Psychology under the supervision of Prof. Margarita Diges at UAM, Spain. She is the head of the Department of Basic (Experimental) Psychology at the School of Psychology, UAM. Her research and teaching activity have focused mainly on the field of cognitive psychology, particularly in the psychology of memory and Eyewitness testimony and memory biases both in adults and children. She has published several articles in national and international journals and has participated as author in different books related to the field of eyewitness testimony and memory biases. She has also collaborated with the CPA (Applied Psychology Center) at UAM teaching courses about how to intervene with children with a potential sexual abuse in clinical psychology. As a teacher, she teaches different subjects in the field of the psychology of memory and eyewitness testimony in the Undergraduate program and in the Postgraduate courses of the Master in Educational Psychology at UAM.



Marcos Bella Fernández received his AB in 2013 in Psychology at UCM university, Spain. He also received his Master in 2015 in Methods in Behavioral and Clinical Sciences at UCM, Spain. Currently, as PhD candidate he is interested in mathematical modeling of cognitive processes in Psychology, specifically those related to visual search and foraging tasks and individual differences, with the aim to identify the best performers for appliances in different security environments. Prof. Beatriz Gil-Gómez de Liaño and Prof. Manuel Suero (expert in mathematical modeling in Psychology at UAM) co-advise his PhD training.


Adrián Muñoz García received his AB in 2017 in Psychology at UAM University, Spain. He also received his Master degree in 2019 at UAM in Methods in Behavioral and Clinical Sciences, UAM, Spain. Currently, he has been awarded with a scholarship financed by the CAM (Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid) to develop an Industrial PhD about Behavioral Economics and Cognitive Psychology. He wants to study and apply in the RRHH field how attention and memory processes interact with decision making in dishonesty. His main objective is to apply what we know from visual cognition and behavioral economics to develop assessment tools to detect dishonesty behavior in the industry. Prof. Beatriz Gil-Gómez de Liaño and Prof. David Pascual-Ezama at UCM, co-advise his PhD training.


María Quirós-Godoy received her AB in Physical Therapy in 2008 at Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain. She also received her AB in Psychology in 2014 at UAM, Spain. She got her Master degree in 2016 at UAM in Methods in Behavioral and Clinical Sciences, UAM, Spain. She has also been awarded in 2017 with a scholarship at UAM for her doctoral studies (FPI-UAM). Her interests are about the interaction of working memory and visual search in children with typical development and with Attentional Hyperactivity Disorders (AD/HD). She wants to understand how visual attention can be modulated by the contents of working memory in young children, and how those modulations can help us to better understand AD/HD disorders. Prof. Beatriz Gil-Gómez de Liaño and Prof. Elena Pérez-Hernández co-advise her PhD training.



Laura Cruces is a last year undergrad student at the School of Psychology, UAM. She is taking her practices and master thesis with Prof. Elena Pérez-Hernández. She will join the BWH-Harvard Medical for a stay of 4 months during 2020 with Prof. Beatriz Gil-Gómez de Liaño and Prof. Jeremy Wolfe to learn visual cognition in children and older adults, specifically foraging and inattentional blindness differences in the lifespan.



Former Undergrad student. Currently at UNED University, Math Undergrand Student


Former Research assistant and Visiting International student. Currently at UAM Medical School, PhD Candidate


Former Research assistant and Grad student. Currently atThe Key Talent Consulting


Former Undergrad student. Currently at UC Berkeley Vision, PhD Candidate