BTS Visual Arts

With Mr. Smith

Fox Hills Elementary & Harry S. Truman Elementary


Welcome Artists!

Hello!  My name is Mr. Smith, and I am the Visual Arts Specialist at Fox Hills Elementary & Harry S. Truman Elementary.

Welcome back for the 2022-2023 school year!  This website is meant to serve as a resource for you and your families. As well as a way to contact me regarding BTS Arts Class at our schools.

This website was started to serve as your access to the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program, and to Mr. Smith's Visual Art Class, during the 2020 Student Dismissal. We are all back in school face-to-face now, but this website can still be a resource for young artists.

Here you can find activities, resources, games, and links to help you engage your Artist's Brain from home.  Have fun and be creative!

If you have any questions, concerns or issues, please contact me using the email address listed below:

Keep on creating! :)

Fox Hills Elementary School Art Show! 2020-2021

Truman Elementary School Art Show! 2020-2021

A message for all of the students from the teachers and faculty of Fox Hills Elementary!

Truman Elementary TNN Broadcast:

Check here for the latest TNN news from the teachers at Truman Elementary!  It features segments about art lessons, PE activities, books, cooking, and more!

Boredom Buster with Truman Elementary Student Council!

The student council has been hard at work to make this amazing boredom buster video full of jokes, riddles, games, and Art Activities!  Check out the video here:

Here are some links to other amazing art teachers' class websites:

Look at some of these websites to get your creative juices flowing!

Here are some useful links to other places on the web: