Joint Workshop on Long-Term Visual Localization, Visual Odometry and Geometric and Learning-based SLAM
Workshop Information
- When: June 14th and 15th, 2020
- Where: Online:
- The recordings of the talks will be published after the workshop upon the approval of the speakers! Please check this website later.
Since CVPR is fully virtual this year, the workshop will also be virtual. We are planning to organize a Zoom meeting where invited speakers and challenge participants will give live talks. To avoid too full a meeting, we plan to stream the workshop on Youtube. You will also be able to interact with the speakers through CVPR's live tools that can be accessed through the CVPR landing page of the workshop.
Please check regularly for updates in the schedule.
For each slot, we provide times in PT (Seattle time) / ET / CEST / GMT+8 for convenience.
June 14th
- 7:00 AM / 10:00 AM / 4:00 PM / 10:00 PM: Introduction to Workshop (organizers)
- 7:15 AM / 10:15 AM / 4:15 PM / 10:15 PM: Invited Talk: Daniel Cremers
- 8:00 AM / 11:00 AM / 5:00 PM / 11:00 PM: Invited Talk: Andrew Davison
- 8:40 AM / 11:40 AM / 5:40 PM / 11:40 PM: SLAM Challenge (organizers)
- 9:40 AM / 12:40 PM / 6:40 PM / 12:40 AM: Invited Talk: Luca Carlone
- 10:20 AM / 1:20 PM / 7:20 PM / 1:20 AM: Invited Talk: Simon Lucey
- 1:00 PM / 4:00 PM / 10:00 PM / 4:00 AM: Invited Talk: Tomasz Malisiewicz
- 1:40 PM / 4:40 PM / 10:40 PM / 4:40 AM: Contributed Papers
- 1:40 PM / 4:40 PM / 10:40 PM / 4:40 AM: Xin-Yu Kuo ( National Tsing Hua University) Chien Liu ( National Tsing Hua University) Kai-Chen Lin ( National Tsing Hua University) Chun-Yi Lee ( National Tsing Hua University): Dynamic Attention-based Visual Odometry
- 2:00 PM / 5:00 PM / 11:00 PM / 5:00 AM: Hunter Blanton ( University of Kentucky) Connor Greenwell ( University of Kentucky) Scott Workman ( DZYNE Technologies) Nathan Jacobs ( University of Kentucky): Extending Absolute Pose Regression to Multiple Scenes
- 2:20 PM / 5:20 PM / 11:20 PM / 5:20 AM: Aniket Pokale ( IIIT Hyderabad) Aditya Aggarwal ( IIIT Hyderabad) Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula ( Mila, DIRO, Universite de Montreal) Madhava Krishna ( IIIT-Hyderabad): Reconstruct, Rasterize and Backprop: Dense shape and pose estimation from a single image
- 2:40 PM / 5:40 PM / 11:40 PM / 5:40 AM: Felix Ott ( Fraunhofer IIS) Tobias Feigl ( FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) Christoffer Löffler ( Fraunhofer IIS) Christopher Mutschler ( Fraunhofer IIS): ViPR: Visual-Odometry-aided Pose Regression for 6DoF Camera Localization
- 3:10 PM / 6:10 PM / 12:10 AM / 6:10 AM: Invited Talk: Shichao Yang
- 3:50 PM / 6:50 PM / 12:50 AM / 6:50 AM: Invited Talk: Kristen Graumann
- 4:30 PM / 7:30 PM / 1:30 AM / 7:30 AM: Invited Talk: Shuxue Quan
- 5:10 PM / 8:10 PM / 2:10 AM / 8:10 AM: Invited Talk: Pierre Moulon
June 15th
- 7:00 AM / 10:00 AM / 4:00 PM / 10:00 PM: Introduction to Workshop (organizers)
- 7:15 AM / 10:15 AM / 4:15 PM / 10:15 PM: Invited Talk: Andreas Geiger
- 8:00 AM / 11:00 AM / 5:00 PM / 11:00 PM: Invited Talk Victor Adrian Prisacariu
- 8:40 AM / 11:40 AM / 5:40 PM / 11:40 PM: Visual Localization Challenges
- 8:40 AM / 11:40 AM / 5:40 PM / 11:40 PM: Introduction to the challenges (organizers)
- 8:45 AM / 11:45 AM / 5:45 PM / 11:45 PM: Autonomous Vehicle Challenge
- 1st place: Martin Humenberger, Yohann Cabon, Nicolas Guerin, Julien Morat, Jérôme Revaud, Philippe Rerole, Noe ́ Pion, Cesar de Souza, Vincent Leroy, Gabriela Csurka: Robust Image Retrieval-based Visual Localization using Kapture
- 2nd place: Ajaykumar Unagar*, Philipp Lindenberger*, Nikolaos Tselepidis*, Paul-Edouard Sarlin: 6-DoF Pose Refinement via Sparse-to-Dense Feature-Metric Optimization
- 9:10 AM / 12:10 PM / 6:10 PM / 12:10 AM: Local Feature Challenge
- 1st place: Paul-Edouard Sarlin, Daniel DeTone, Tomasz Malisiewicz, Andrew Rabinovich: SuperGlue paper: SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks
- 2nd place: Zixin Luo, Jiahui Zhang, Hongkai Chen: ASLFeat: Learning Local Features of Accurate Shape and Localization & Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network
- 2nd place: Jérome Revaud, Cesar Roberto De Souza, Philippe Weinzaepfel, Martin Humenberger, R2D2: Repeatable and Reliable Detector and Descriptor
- 9:35 AM / 12:35 PM / 6:35 PM / 12:35 AM: Handheld Devices Challenge
- 1st place: Paul-Edouard Sarlin, Daniel DeTone, Tomasz Malisiewicz, Andrew Rabinovich: SuperGlue paper: SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks
- 2nd place: Huanhuan Fan, Yuhao Zhou, Ang Li, Shuang Gao, Jijunnan Li, Yandong Guo: Visual Localization Using Semantic Segmentation and Depth Prediction
- 10:00 AM / 1:00 PM / 7:00 PM / 1:00 AM: Invited Talk: Jana Kosecka
- 10:40 AM / 1:40 PM / 7:40 PM / 1:40 PM: Invited Talk: Jakob Engel
- 1:00 PM / 4:00 PM / 10:00 PM / 4:00 AM: Invited Talk: Raquel Urtasun
- 1:40 PM / 4:40 PM / 10:40 PM / 4:40 AM: Invited Talk: Katerina Fragkiadaki
- 2:20 PM / 5:20 PM / 11:20 PM / 5:20 AM: Invited Talk: Deva Ramanan
- 3:00 PM / 6:00 PM / 12:00 AM / 6:00 AM: Invited Talk: Haibin Ling
- 3:40 PM / 6:40 PM /12:40 AM / 6:40 AM: Invited Talk: Xiaoming Liu
- 4:20 PM / 7:20 PM /1:20 AM / 7:20 AM: Invited Talk: Yasuyuki Matsushita
- 5:00 PM / 8:00 PM /2:00 AM / 8:00 AM: Invited Talk: Jingyi Yu
- 2020-04-26: Updated rules for the visual localization challenge.
- 2020-04-22: Extended the deadline for the Visual Localization Challenges to May 24th.
Workshop Description
Visual Localization is the problem of estimating the position and orientation, i.e., the camera pose, from which an image was taken. Long-Term Visual Localization is the problem of robustly handling changes in the scene. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is the problem of tracking the motion of a camera (or sensor system) while simultaneously building a (3D) map of the scene. Similarly, Visual Odometry (VO) algorithms track the motion of a sensor system, without necessarily creating a map of the scene. Localization, SLAM, and VO are highly related problems, e.g., SLAM algorithms can be used to construct maps that are later used by Localization techniques, Localization approaches can be used to detect loop closures in SLAM and SLAM / VO can be used to integrate frame-to-frame tracking into real-time Localization approaches.
Visual Localization, SLAM, and VO are all fundamental capabilities required in many Computer Vision and Robotics applications, such as Augmented / Mixed / Virtual Reality and other emerging applications based on location context, such as scene understanding, city navigation and tourist recommendation, and autonomous vehicles such as self-driving cars and other robots. Consequently, visual localization, SLAM, and VO are important research areas, both in academia and industry. This workshop focuses on the following important topics in the context of Localization, SLAM, and VO:
- Common to existing approaches to the Visual Localization problem, whether they rely on local features or CNNs, is that they generate a representation of the scene from a set of training images. These approaches (implicitly) assume that the set of training images covers all relevant viewing conditions. In practice, this assumption is typically violated as it is nearly impossible to cover complex scenes over the full range of viewing conditions. Moreover, many scenes are dynamic: the geometry and appearance of scenes changes significantly over time, e.g., due to seasonal changes in outdoor scenes or changes in furniture in indoor scenes. This workshop aims to serve as a benchmark for the current state of visual localization under changing conditions and to encourage new work on this challenging problem.
- We have see impressive progress on Visual SLAM (V-SLAM) with both geometric-based methods and learning-based methods. However, none of those methods is robust enough for high-reliability robotics, where challenging situations such as changing or a lack of illumination, dynamic objects, and texture-less scenes, exist and no other sources of odometry are available. Unfortunately, popular benchmarks such as KITTI or TUM RGB-D SLAM are too clean and simple, have rather restricted motion patterns, usually only cover one type of scene (e.g. urban street, indoor), and are often free of degrading effects such as lighting changes and motion blur. This workshop puts forth a challenge to gather evidence on the robustness of geometric and learning-based SLAM in challenging situations and to push the limit of geometric and learning-based SLAM towards real world applications. To this end, the workshop provides a new benchmark with large high-quality and diverse data and good labels.
- The development of smart-phones and cameras is also making the visual odometry more accessible to common users in daily life. With the increasing efforts devoted to accurately computing the position information, emerging applications based on location context, such as scene understanding, city navigation and tourist recommendation, have gained significant growth. The location information can bring a rich context to facilitate a large number of challenging problems, such as landmark and traffic sign recognition under various weather and light conditions, and computer vision applications on entertainment based on location information, such as Pokemon. This workshop solicits scalable algorithms and systems for addressing the ever increasing demands of accurate and real-time visual odometry, as well as the methods and applications based on the location clues.
Besides offering concrete challenges, invited talks by experts from both academia and industry provide a detailed understanding about the current state of Visual Localization, SLAM, and VO algorithms, as well as open problems and current challenges. In addition, the workshop solicits original paper submissions.
This workshop provides challenges on SLAM and Long-Term Visual Localization. More details can be found on the pages describing the challenges.
Topics Covered
This workshop covers a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to.
- Long-Term Operation of Localization and Mapping
- Geometric Methods for SLAM in Dynamic Environments
- Hybrid (Learning + Geometry) SLAM Systems
- Semantic-context applied to SLAM, VO, and Visual Localization
- Applications of SLAM, VO, and Visual Localization in challenging domains
- SLAM / VO / Visual Localization Datasets, Benchmarks, and Metrics
- (6DOF) Visual Localization
- Place Recognition
- Image Retrieval
- (Deep Learned) Local Features and Matching
- Deep Learning for Scene Coordinate Regression and Camera Pose Regression
- 3D Reconstruction for Mapping
- Augmented / Mixed / Virtual Reality applications based on Visual Localization, SLAM, or VO
- Applications based on Visual Localization, SLAM, or VO in the area of Robotics and Autonomous Driving
- Semantic Scene Understanding for Localization and Mapping
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- (3D) (Semantic) Scene Understanding and Scene Representations
- Image-based localization and navigation
- Monocular and Stereo Visual Odometry
- Multi-Modal Visual Sensor Data Fusion
- Real-Time Object Tracking
- Deep Learning for Visual Odometry and SLAM
- Large-Scale SLAM
- Rendering and Visualization of Large-Scale Models
- Feature Representation, Indexing, Storage, and Analysis
- Object Detection and Recognition based on Location Context
- Landmark Mining and Tourism Recommendation
- Video Surveillance
- Large-Scale Multi-Modal Datasets Collection
- Visual Odometry for Night Vision
- Odometry based on Event Cameras
- Scale Estimation for Monocular Odometry with Prior Information
- End-to-End Visual Odometry, SLAM and Localization
For additional details, please also see the Call for Papers.
Important Dates
Localization Challenges:
- Challenges Open: Feb. 8th
- Submission deadline: May 24th (papers describing the methods need to be available (on arXiv) by May 27th)
- Notification: May 31st
SLAM Challenges:
- Submission deadline: Aug. 15th
- Notification: Aug. 22nd
Paper Submission:
(please refer to Call for Papers for submission)
- Paper submission deadline:
March 29th, April 5th 2020 (11:59 pm PST)
Supplementary materials submission deadline: March 29th, April 5th 2020 (11:59 pm PST)
- Paper acceptance decision: April 15th, 2020
- Camera ready deadline: April 20th, 2020
Previous Workshops
- International Workshop on Visual Odometry & Computer Vision Applications Based on Location Clues (CVPR 2017)
- International Workshop on Visual Odometry & Computer Vision Applications Based on Location Clues (CVPR 2018)
- International Workshop on Visual Odometry & Computer Vision Applications Based on Location Clues (CVPR 2019)
- Long-Term Visual Localization under Changing Conditions (CVPR 2019)