Babylon 5 Customs

You have disembarked from the shuttle and have followed signs to the Babylon 5 Customs. A fresh-faced young security officer is waiting to take your identicard.  

The Arrivals Gate

Hi, how are you? I'm Zack, and it's my pleasant duty to welcome you aboard the Earth Alliance Station Babylon 5.  Now, if you would kindly pass through one of the lanes ahead and swipe your identicard, we can speed up your entry to the station.

Use this lane if you are a member of EarthForce and have an EarthForce login name and password.

Use this lane if you are a diplomat or alien ambassador and have a diplomatic login name and password.

Use this lane if you are a commercial visitor to the station and have a visitor's login name and password.

What?   You can't remember where you left your identicard?  In that case, you better go down to the Station House, where they might be able to issue you with a temporary visitor's permit.  Just follow the Security signs.