Station House

You are in the main Station House in Blue Sector, the hub of operations for Babylon 5 Security.   A fit looking officer with receding hair is waiting for you behind his desk, and looks you over.  This is the Head of Babylon 5 Security.  Although Michael Garibaldi wears the grey of the Security Service, his rank is that of an NCO in the EarthForce Military.  He is not someone to be messed with!

Lost your Identicard?

Well, well. There's one born every minute.  Here I was, enjoying my second favourite thing in the Universe, when Zack here calls me out for a tourist who doesn't know how to read the signs. What is it with you people?  Me, I'd just love to have a boring day, when nothing happens at all.

I trust you've learned your lesson now?  Well, I assume from your pathetic attempts to gain illegal entry into Babylon 5 that you don't have a valid identicard.  Let's have a look at what you've been using.  Ah yes, this is last year's issue. We updated all the systems since then, but there's no reason why your old card shouldn't work. 

This ID card gives you visitor access.  Just swipe your card wherever requested, and you'll soon get the hang of where you can go.  Now, I suggest you find your way back to the Customs area and try again.  You do know how to recognise and follow the signs, don't you?

B5 Station Logo

B5 Security Logo

B5 Diplomatic Logo

B5 Medlab Logo

B5 Alien Sector

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