How to Run VRR Sim
Step by Step
Send out Links
Share link to Zoom Meeting. Can use one room with multiple breakout rooms.
Share link to Google Slides Room in Zoom chat. Click Share - Copy Link.
TIP: Make sure you have changed share settings to "Anyone with link can edit". Make sure title is something generic (Ex: "Room A").
Prebrief includes: introduction to Sim, expectations for session, introduction to VRR.
See Learner page for example video about how to introduce the VRR to learners.
The basic principles of Sim apply online. Review the cardinal principles of sim. Consider sharing this slide during your prebrief to review with junior learners.
Here is an example introduction we use for junior learners.
Run the Case
Verbal Feedback:
Introduce case with prompt
Answer Qs about history and physical (ex: he appears lethargic)
Provide case updates as is appropriate (ex: he is less responsive)
Tip: Use your words thoughtfully. Speak only to answer Qs and to keep case progressing.
Vital Signs:
After monitors have been applied, type in the vital signs in the textboxes overlying the monitors. Delete the black box next to the HR to reveal rhythm strip.
Update vital signs as case progresses.
Tip: When multiple rhythm strips are required for case - they can be layered so they can be sequentially deleted.
Slides 4+:
Hidden multimedia and investigations. When prompted by learner's questions or actions, tell them to go to specific slide and delete grey box to "reveal finding". (ex: Learners ask "what does he look like?". You respond "Go to slide 4 to see his appearance").
Tips & Ideas:
Have learners do compressions using the toilet paper technique. This provides compression practice and illustrates the loss of situational awareness that comes with task distraction.
Some educators have run audio of background noise. Example here.
If you want learners to have "staggered entry" to force them to handover (ex: play role of 2nd MD) - you can use the waiting room feature in Zoom and allow them to enter when appropriate.
If you want learners to call family member or consultants - you can give them faciltiator phone number. Both facilitator and particpiant mute their audio during this "side conversation" via phone, and then can return to case.
The structure and content of the debrief is the exact same as in person.
Tip: Allow a bit more time for the debrief- there can be more awkward silences on zoom as learners strive to avoid talking over one another. Make sure you are not filling this silence as a debriefer - if you are patient conversation will flow naturally.
Tip: Have learners minimize their Google Slide window. Maximize zoom so everyone can see each other's faces.
If you are running your case with learners new to sim, consider using this debrief slide to allow learners to type out their "reactions phase".
Reset the Room
Google Slide ) → File → Version History → See Version History → Select your previously saved version (ex: Unused Case) → Press "Restore this version" button → Restore