How to Plan a VRR Sim Session

Step by Step


Create your room


Introduce your participants to the VRR


Teach your facilitators how to use the VRR


Provide your facilitators with session details


Training facilitators who are new to sim?

Recommended Structure

Small Groups

4-6 Learners. The sessions run best if everyone in the breakout room has a role.

1-2 Facilitators. Consider having a "tech faciliator" who runs the case, and a "lead debriefer" who focuses on observing.

Can run multiple groups in parallel in simultaneous breakout rooms

1 case, 1 hour

~1 hour per case

20min for case + 30min debrief + 10min break

Running a debrief online is more effective if there is adequate time.

Laptop, Wifi, Quiet

Using tablets is possible, but some Google Slides features are cumbersome to use on tablets/phones.

Quiet environment makes it easier for team to communicate.