How to Plan a VRR Sim Session
Step by Step
Create your room
You can use a "Ready to Run Case" or Build your own
If you plan to have multiple groups doing same case simultaneously, remember to make unique copy of slideset room for each group.
Introduce your participants to the VRR
Send them a link to these instructions ahead of time
Start your sesssion with an interactive pre-brief, to ensire everyone knows how to: open the slideset, click & drag, copy & paste, etc.
Tip: For less computer savvy learners, one of the biggest challenges is learning how to see zoom + google slides simultaneously. You may need to explicitly explain how to resize browser/app windows.
Teach your facilitators how to use the VRR
Send them a link to these instructions ahead of time
If running a more formal session, we have found it useful to run a 30min introduction session for facilitators ahead of time to improve their confidence using the VRR.
Provide your facilitators with session details
Include: schedule, zoom + google slides links, case progression charts, debrief materials. I like to keep this organized by providing faciltiators with a single planning document (see example here).
Training facilitators who are new to sim?
For completely new facilitators, we have used these slides during faciliator training to provide a framework about the basics of debriefing.
Here is an example of of a VRR curriculum created by former Family Medicine Residents Dr. Debbie Brace and Dr. Garvin Leung.
Recommended Structure
Small Groups
4-6 Learners. The sessions run best if everyone in the breakout room has a role.
1-2 Facilitators. Consider having a "tech faciliator" who runs the case, and a "lead debriefer" who focuses on observing.
Can run multiple groups in parallel in simultaneous breakout rooms
1 case, 1 hour
~1 hour per case
20min for case + 30min debrief + 10min break
Running a debrief online is more effective if there is adequate time.
Laptop, Wifi, Quiet
Using tablets is possible, but some Google Slides features are cumbersome to use on tablets/phones.
Quiet environment makes it easier for team to communicate.