IV - Moving through our DIGITAL PLACES

In this section:

◉ We will learn how to bring our animated, rigged virtual body from Part II into Unity.

◉ We will learn how to make our body movable in our digital place.

◉ We will learn how to use scripting to add extra actions and animations to our virtual body.

Big Idea: Moving through a place in a body can produce knowledge and understanding of that place that wouldn't be realized otherwise. Experiencing a place through a map, or a computer-assisted-design program, is very different from experiencing it as a body moving through it.


Follow the tutorial below to make sure your character is properly "rigged," and to bring it into your Unity project so you can move through your digital place using your virtual body!

"PRESS G TO GET DOWN!" making your character dance (optional)

Follow the tutorial below to learn how to add extra interactions and animations to your character: