
At Virginia MOCA, we believe in helping our community make meaningful connections between art and everyday life. We encourage you to interact with artwork by using our guides for close looking and creating your own exhibition inspired pieces through art making. Share your discoveries and creations with us @VirginiaMOCA or #VirtualVirginiaMOCA.

Activities with guided questions for close looking and discussion to help us discover meaning.

We partnered with WHRO's VA TV Classroom to produce this video series to create quick learning opportunities at home. Activities include Close Looking and Making exercises.

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Designed to help learners of all ages think more critically about themes in our upcoming exhibitions.

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Designed for past exhibitions, these downloads include helpful information regarding the artists, close looking questions, and activities for discussion or making.

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Discussion Guides designed to accompany our art and storytime family program.

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Hands-on art making experiences that enhance our understanding of art and the world around us.

Drawing inspiration from our current and previous exhibitions, we've compiled a few art making activities for students, teachers and parents to do from home.

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Each Friday, our team releases a new activity in our Make Break series. These short making activities are designed for families to try together at home.

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Art can be a great way to learn about other subject areas. This collection of activities touches on a variety of disciplines, from science to design, all with an invitation to learn through a hands-on experience.

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Short articles and videos that offer a deeper dive into the background of the artworks and the artists from our past exhibitions.

Yoan Capote, New Man, 2014. (c) Yoan Capote. From the collection of Dr. Robert B. Feldman. Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York.

Ebony G. Patterson, …He, 2016. Courtesy the artist and Monique Meloche Gallery, Chicago. Collection of Dr. Robert B. Feldman.

Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz, Bargain Basement Sovereign (Queen Series), 2015. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by Dominic Di Paolo. Collection of Dr. Robert B. Feldman.

Mark Thomas Gibson, Procession 1, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Fredericks & Freiser, New York.

Luis Gispert, Untitled (Car Girls), 2001. C-print. Courtesy of the artist. Collection of Dr. Robert B. Feldman.

Nate Lewis, Axe, 2018. Hand sculpted paper inkjet print, India ink. Collection of Robert B. Feldman.

Andrea Donnelly, It Took Generations to Build, 2017. Courtesy of the Artist.

Header image by Fresh Look Photography.