Violette1st Pages:

Violette1st Channels:

Main Channel

Vlog Channel

Gaming Channel

Most Popular Violette1st Video

The Creator Of This Website

I am a very big violette1st fan I would be willing to bet that I am one of the biggest fans of the channel. I currently run the world's largest violette1st fan page on TikTok with over 33k followers. i am an expert of the Violette1st video almost being able to quote every video. 

you can follow me on TikTok here

Who Are We?

This page is NOT run nor created by Violette1st. I am a big fan of theirs and have a mission to create the best website about them where you can find the most informative info on the Violette1st universe.  I am not getting any sort of payment from this as I respect violette1st and don't wish to infringe on their videos. I am in high school and have many things to do. if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email me at I will do my best to respond and read as many emails as possible.  But I am busy and can not guarantee an immediate response, so please keep that in mind :)

What Is The Purpose Of This Website?

I am a fan of violette1st and have been for many years. I created this website with the pure intention of having a reliable source of information on violette1st. Since the website is edited and monitored by me alone. I can not guarantee that every typo or mistake will be changed. 

Contact Me?

If you need to contact me for any reasons regarding the website please email, I will try to respond as soon as possible.

History Of Violette1st

Violette1st is an old channel with their oldest video being posted over a decade ago. They did not start posting the rage videos they are now known for until a couple of years ago. The original videos were usually wholesome videos of William and the family. Such as one video of William and Lucy competing in a carnival game. Bill who is a very important part of the rage series has always been spotted in these early videos proving that he is not a new addition to the Anderson family. Andy who is also in many rage videos appears frequently in these older videos proving that he genuinely spends a lot (if not lives) at the Anderson House. Though it has been confirmed that Andy is not part of their family it can be assumed that for whatever reason his prior parents are no longer able to take care of him, whether that be because he was kicked out or his parents are no longer around. Another conspiracy around Andy and his prior family is that they were drug addicts, based on his strange behavior. Though there is no proof