Publications/ Ouputs

Jane Kershaw and Stephen Merkel (submitted). Viking wealth in the Irish Sea zone: new evidence from lead isotope analyses of Viking-Age rings and ingots. Proceedings of the 19th Viking Congress, Liverpool, 2022.

Stephen Merkel, A. Celauro and Jane Kershaw (forthcoming). Silver, sulfur and salt: Experiments in Early Islamic silver extractive metallurgy. In: Metallurgy in Numismatics 7, edited by M. Ponting and K. Butcher. Royal Numismatic Society.

Stephen Merkel (forthcoming). Recycling – a blessing in disguise: Archaeometallurgy and the role of silver recycling in the early Middle Ages. In: Verwerten – Verarbeiten – Verformen, edited by O. Heinrich-Tamáska and M. Becker. Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie, Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, Sachsen-Anhalt. 

Jane Kershaw and Stephen Merkel (2024). Local supply and long-distance imports: new evidence for the origin of brass, copper and lead at Helgö. Fornvännen 119(2), 77-102. 

Jane Kershaw, Stephen Merkel, Paolo d'Imporzano and Rory Naismith (2024). Byzantine plate and Frankish mines: the provenance of silver in north-west European coinage during the Long Eighth Century (c. 660–820). Antiquity 98 (398), 502-17. 

Stephen Merkel, Jani Oravisjärvi and Jane Kershaw (2023), Sources of early Islamic silver: lead isotope analysis of dirhams. Antiquity  97 (396), 1564-80. 

Jane Kershaw & Stephen Merkel (2023), International trade in outland resources: the mining and export of lead in early medieval England in light of new isotope data from York. Medieval Archaeology  67/2, 249-82. (Winner of the Editor's Award 2023). 

Jane Kershaw, Stephen Merkel, Guillaume Sarah and Jani Oravisjarvi (2023), Sources of Silver in the late Ninth-Century Bullion Hoard from Saint-Pierre-des-Fleurs, Normandy: Results of Lead Isotope and Trace Element Analysis. In Frühmittelalterliches Hacksilber im nördlichen westslawischen Raum. Archäologie und Archäometallurgie. Beiträge der internationalen Konferenz im Kulturhistorischen Museum Görlitz, 18. - 19. Oktober 2019. Ergebnisse des Projektes Hacksilberschätze im Oder-Neiße-Raum 1. Herausgegeben von Felix Biermann, Andreas Kieseler, Ernst Pernicka, Jasper von Richthofen, 295-312.

Stephen Merkel, Paolo d'Imporzano, Kirsten van Zuilen, Jane Kershaw, Gareth Davies (2022),  "Non-invasive” portable laser ablation sampling for lead isotope analysis of archaeological silver: a comparison with bulk and in situ laser ablation techniques. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.

Olga Karagiorgou, Stephen Merkel and Marcin Wołoszyn (2021) A contribution to the technology and sources of lead in Byzantium: lead isotope analysis of ten Byzantine seals, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, vol. 114, no. 3, 2021, pp. 1161-1203.

Jani Oravisjärvi (2021) Dirhemin synty (Dirhams). Coins & History Foundation (Almere, Alankomaat). To read a chapter in English, see:

Eeva Johnson & Jani Oravisjärvi (2021) Fjärran mynt. Vikingatida fynd med mynt från Indien och Kina. Svensk Numismatisk Tidskrift 2021: 7, 153-55. Free dowload:

Jane Kershaw, Stephen W. Merkel, Jani Oravisjärvi, Ellen Kooijman, Melanie Kielman-Schmitt (2021), The scale of dirham imports to the Baltic in the ninth century New evidence from archaeometric analyses of early Viking-Age silver. Fornvännen  116, 185-204.

Stephen W. Merkel (2021) Evidence for the widespread use of dry silver ore in the Early Islamic period and its implications for the history of silver metallurgy. Journal of Archaeological Science 135,

Jane Kershaw, Stephen W. Merkel (2021) Silver recycling in the Viking Age: Theoretical and analytical approaches. Archaeometry,

Christopher D. Standish, Stephen W. Merkel, Yu-Te Hsieh, Jane Kershaw (2021) Simultaneous lead isotope ratio and gold-lead-bismuth concentration analysis of silver by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS, Journal of Archaeological Science, 125, 105299. Free download here: