
Forthcoming Events

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Past  Events

11-14 June 2024 'The Sources of Viking Silver: A Synopsis of ERC Research into the Early Viking Age', Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2024, Falun, Sweden - Jane Kershaw 

28 May 2024 'Trading whilst raiding? Evidence for Anglo-Norwegian trade at the time of the first Viking raids', Residence of the Norwegian Ambassador to Great Britain, London - Jane Kershaw

29 May 2024  'Sources of silver in the Galloway Hoard', Galloway Hoard online event - Jane Kershaw

29 February 2024 'Flows of silver in the early medieval world, and what it tells us about the origins of the Viking Age', Martin Aitken seminar, University of Oxford - Jane Kershaw

30 October 2023: 'The provenance of silver in north-west European coinage (c. 660–820)’, Early Medieval Archaeology Seminar, University of Oxford - Jane Kershaw and Rory Naismith

14 October 2023: 'Source of silver in northern English/ Scottish coins of the 12th century: a preiminary look', symposium, University of Cambridge - Jane Kershaw, Stephen Merkel, Carl Savage and Rory Naismith

5 July 2023: 'Unravelling Eastern Europe’s past through the analysis of Late Antique metals', Separate from and Dependent on One Another: Humanities and Natural Science in Dialogue, GWZO Annual Conference, Leibniz, Germany- Stephen Merkel

22 June 2023: 'Advances in Lead Isotope and Trace Element Analysis of Archaeological Metals', ‘Vindhetverleden’ in de praktijk/ Dutch cultural heritage agency, Amsterdam, Netherlands - Stephen Merkel

7-9 June 2023:  'The supply of lead to Viking winter camps: new results from lead isotope analysis of weights and gaming pieces', Viking Economics workshop, Seville, Spain - Jane Kershaw.

7-12 May 2023: 'New application of portable laser sampling for Pb isotope analysis of silver'. Technart. International Conference on analytical techniques in art and cultural heritage, Lisbon, Portugal - Stephen Merkel.

5 May  2023: 'The Galloway Hoard: where does the silver come from? Workshop on Gold from the Galloway Hoard, National Museum Edinburgh - Jane Kershaw and Stephen Merkel

29-31 March 2023: Silver in Early Medieval Europe: Sources and Movement. A conference at the Fryske Akademy, Netherlands.

1 February 2023 'The sources of Viking wealth: new results from lead isotope analysis of Viking silver hoards', British Archaeological Association Lecture, Society of Antiquaries, London- Jane Kershaw. A link to the talk on youtube:

1 December 2022 'Across the Baltic and Caspian Seas: Silver and the Viking Expansion' - Princeton University Medieval Black Sea Seminar, Princeton University, USA - Jane Kershaw

16-19 November 2022 'Geochemical analyses of dirhams uncover silver sources during the Golden Age of Islam'. ASOR 2022 Annual Meeting, Boston, USA - Jane Kershaw and Stephen Merkel

14 November 2022 'A new look at silver in the Golden Age of Islam'. Oxford Medieval History Seminar, All Souls, Oxford - Jane Kershaw

22 October 2022 ' Lead isotope analyses of dirhams - silver sources in the Golden Age of Islam'. Eighth International Symposium in Early Medieval Coinage, Cambridge, UK - Jane Kershaw

21 October 2022 'A New Way of Making Silver: Experiments in Medieval Islamic Metallurgy based on the Manuscript of Al-Hamdani', Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminars, Cambridge, UK - Stephen Merkel

26 July 2022: 'Viking wealth in the Irish Sea zone: new evidence from lead isotope analysis'.  19th Viking Congress, Liverpool, UK - Jane Kershaw

13th June 2022 'Application of lead isotope and elemental modelling in reconstructing long-distance trade of Viking-period silver'. Advances in Isotope Ratio and related anlyses for mapping migrations from Prehistory to the Viking Age. Joint Meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry & Society of Antiquaries, Monday 13th June 2022 - Stephen Merkel

21-22 April 2022. 'Visible and invisible coinage. Geochemical traces of Western European coinage in Scandinavia'. Crossing Frontiers: the Evidence of Roman Coin Hoards Conference. All Soul's, Oxford, UK - Jane Kershaw

19-20 April 2022. 'Silver, sulfur and salt: Experiments in Early Islamic silver extractive metallurgy'. Metallurgy in Numismatics Conference, University of Liverpool, UK -Stephen Merkel 

17 March 2022 'From Baghdad to Birka. Identifying flows of Islamic silver into Viking-Age Scandinavia through lead isotopes and trace elements’. Cranfield Distinguished Virtual Seminar Series in Archaeological Science - Jane Kershaw and Stephen Merkel

14 March 2022. 'Follow the money. How provenance studies of silver are revealing new aspects of early medieval history'. Material Culture Hub, University of Cambridge, UK - Jane Kershaw and Stephen Merkel.

8-9 January 2022 'Small change for the Vikings? An update on Islamic silver coins in Britain'. New Perspectives on Early Medieval Money Conference. Cambridge, UK - Jane Kershaw.

25 November 2021 'Fragestellungen und Methoden zur naturwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von mittelalterlichem Silber'. Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO) and the University of Rzeszów (Poland) - Stephen Merkel

2 November 2020 'The Galloway hoard. Results of recent research'. Medieval Archaeology Seminar, University of Oxford (via Microsoft Teams)- Jane Kershaw and Martin Goldberg.

6 March 2020 'The beginning of the Viking Age. New evidence from Viking silver'. Viking Society for Northern Research Spring Meeting. UCL, London - Jane Kershaw

3 March 2020 'Sources of silver in Sweden’s earliest Viking-Age hoards'. Viking Identities Graduate Seminar, University of Oxford - Jane Kershaw

27 February 2020 'The sources of silver in 9th century Anglo-Saxon Coinage'. Oxford University Numismatic Society. Oxford - Jane Kershaw

23 February 2020 'The supply of lead to Viking-Age York: new evidence from lead-isotope analysis'. Plenary talk, Richard Hall 2020 Symposium, York - Jane Kershaw

7 February 2020. 'Provenancing Viking-Age silver: progress and challenges'. Archaeomaterials seminar. Oxford - Jane Kershaw and Stephen Merkel

19 November 2019 'Where did the Vikings get their silver? New Results from Chemical and Isotope Analysis. Classics and Archaeology Research Seminar. University of Nottingham - Stephen Merkel

7 November 2019 'Provenancing Viking Silver'. RLAHA Martin Aitken seminar. University of Oxford - Jane Kershaw and Stephen Merkel

18-19 October 2019 ‘The view from the 9th century. Elemental and isotopic analysis of Viking silver hoards from England'. Workshop: Hacksilberschätze im frü- und hochmittelalterlichen nordwestslawischen Raum – Archäologie und Isotopenanalyse. Görlitz, Germany – Jane Kershaw

10-11 July 2019 'Metallurgy and provenance of early Islamic silver: current results and future questions'. Materials and Technologies in the Age of Transition: The Byzantine, Sasanian and Islamic Near East' Symposium. Wolfson College, University of Oxford - Stephen Merkel

19-21 June 2019 ‘The sources of Viking wealth: archaeometric analysis of early Viking-Age silver’. Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2019. University of Miskole, Miskole, Hungary – Stephen Merkel

21 May 2019 'Tracing Viking loot: the fate of European coins in Viking hands in the ninth century’. British Numismatic Society, London – Jane Kershaw 

5-17 May 2019 'Silber und Silberwirtschaft in Haithabu’, Verwerten – Verarbeiten – Verformen: Recycling von Bunt- und Edelmetall von der Bronzezeit bis zum Mittelalter. 4. Internationaler Workshop des Netzwerks Archäologisch-Historisches Metallhandwerk (NAHM), Leipzig, Germany – Stephen Merkel 

18 February 2019 'Where did Alfred get his silver from?’ Medieval Archaeology Seminar, University of Oxford – Jane Kershaw 

20 February 2019 'The Sources of Viking Wealth. Lead isotope and trace element analysis of early Viking-Age silver’. Departmental Seminar, Archaeology, University of Durham – Jane Kershaw