Best Practices of COP Library 

BEST PRACTICES FOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES Listed below are some of the best practices that can enhance the academic information environment and usability.

1. Computerization of library with standard digital software.

2. Displaying newspaper clippings on the notice board periodically.

3. Career/Employment Information/ Services.

4. Internet Facilities to different user groups.

5. Information literacy programs/ Library orientation programs

6. Suggestion box and timely response.

7. Displaying new arrivals and circulating a list of those to academic departments.

8. Conducting book exhibitions on different occasions.

 9. Library Website provides information access 24/7.

10.  Library Best User award for motivating students to use library resources.

11. Organizing competitions annually.

12. E-journals accessibility on Mobile 24/7. 

13. Audio books collection and their use in digital library.

14. Conduction of literacy programs online/ offline  collaborating different webinars. 

15. Library Whatsapp and Facebook page. 

16. Library website to provide maximum resources online 24/7. 

17. Availability of Grammerly software  to enhance technical writing for researchers. 

18. Air condition reading room facility with clean and comfertable furniture. 

19. Availability of Library Advisory Committee helps in development of library. 

20. CCTV in library.