Welcome to VictoriaTheTech

Hi, I'm Victoria Thompson, and I live in Tacoma, WA. People call me "Victoria The Tech."

I am a former math educator, current STEM coach, and education in technology consultant with a passion for using technology to innovate teaching, learning, and pedagogy through an anti-racist lens.

Recently, I was named one of EdTech Magazine's top 30 IT Influencers to follow in the world.

You can see the full list here.

Snapshots of Work

I recently worked with Edutopia to bring equity issues to light, as well as how to begin the year as equitable as possible.

The link to the article is here.

I also recently worked with Edutopia on 3 Ways to Teach Logic Without Coding.

Teachers can use puzzles and sustained inquiry—and even simple Venn diagrams—to strengthen students’ logical thinking skills . The link to the article is here.

I am implementing an ISTE Standards plan for three cohorts of folx at my school site: students, educators, and education leaders. I wanted to share how I am beginning to implement this plan, and ISTE reached out to see if I was interested in writing about it.

The link to the blog is here.

My work on how social-emotional learning is NOT just a buzzword and how equity in technology is an important piece of this puzzle was highlighted in EdTech Magazine.

You can read the full article here.

I was selected to create a "Quick Tips" video series with i2edu, featuring how to use Microsoft Tools.

A featured video on math quizzes in Microsoft Forms is to the left.

My work was featured by Teacher2Teacher; specifically, my work with anti-racism within STEM and STEM fields. They wrote an article about my educational philosophy.

The link is here.

I was featured in Microsoft's "What's New in EDU?" speaking about inclusive tech tools for math classrooms in October 2019.

The video link is to the left.

When most of the United States went remote for virtual learning in March 2020, I was a math teacher at a private, independent school in the Tacoma area.

I kept a blog of my findings. You can access this blog here.

Using Buncee for STEM in Remote Learning

Blog Post - Cultivating Culturally Responsive Ideals in Classrooms (for Pear Deck - link is here)

You've Got Tech In My Lesson! (Buncee)

I spoke on the OnEducation Podcast about how to build a career in edtech and the dangers of performative anti-racist work.

Link to listen is here.

I also spoke on the Wins and Losses Chat about dismantling white supremacy culture in our curriculum.

Link to listen is here.

Let's connect on social media!

I'm active on Twitter and LinkedIn.