Community Forum - "HIV in 2031"

This event will be live streamed from 11 am - 12 pm

Join in this discussion with some of Victoria's leading community leaders in where they will reflect on the changes they have witnessed in HIV over the past few decades, and what they envisage HIV will look like in 2031. A key focus will be on how issues such as COVID-19, globalisation, community engagement will push some of the opportunities and challenges over the next decade.

This event will commence at 11am and run for approximately 60 minutes. The panel discussion will be live streamed on the 1st of December 2021.

Michael West - Moderator

Michael West is Manager, Sexual Health and Viral Hepatitis program at the Victorian Department of Health. He has over 20 years’ experience in public health across areas such as multicultural health, alcohol and other drugs, sexual and reproductive health, social inclusion and diversity. Michael has a clinical background as a registered nurse, holds graduate and post graduate qualifications in Arts and is an alumni of the Social Leadership Australia Program.

Richard Keane - Panellist

Richard Keane is the Chief Executive Officer of Living Positive Victoria.

Richard was diagnosed with HIV at 19 years of age in 1989 and has been engaged in the community led response to HIV for three decades.

Beginning in 1990 in the role of AIDS and Injecting drug used educator at the Prostitutes Collective of Victoria, he remains a passionate advocate for marginalised populations and the ever-diversifying communities living with and affected by HIV in Victoria.

Kirsty Machon - Panellist

Dr Kirsty Machon has been involved in HIV-related journalism, advocacy and policy development since the mid-1990s. She is a former Chair of the Victorian AIDS Council, has worked for AFAO and NAPWHA, and is Executive Officer of Positive Women Victoria. She has a PhD focused on ethical dimensions of evolutionary theory. Kirsty uses she/her pronouns.

Brent Allan - Panellist

Brent Allan (they/them) has been living with HIV for nearly 25 years and been involved in the community response to HIV for over 35 years. With a background in health promotion and education, community-based management and research as well as policy and advocacy, their current work focuses upon efforts to build the capacity of people living with HIV through advocacy, education and representation. He regularly provides technical assistance to global networks, governments, civil society and industry on matters of best practice in HIV policy, programs, services and research.

Simon Ruth - Panellist

Simon is the CEO of Thorne Harbour Health. He has previously worked at Peninsula Health, the Salvation Army, YSAS and the Ozanam Community. He was on the Board of the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association for ten years, serving six years as President and is a current Board member of VicHealth and the AIDS Trust of Australia.

Let us know if you will be attending the Official Opening and Community Forum