Group members

Victor Goncalves


Since 2021 Associate Professor (maître de conférences HDR) in Chemistry, Université de Bourgogne
2012-2021 Assistant Professor (maître de conférences) in Chemistry, Université de Bourgogne
2009-2012 Post-doctoral Research Associate in Medicinal Chemistry, Imperial College London; Groups of Dr Ed Tate and Pr Robin Leatherbarrow
2008-2009 Post-doctoral Research Scientist in Medicinal Chemistry, Sanofi-Aventis, Toulouse - France with Alain Badorc and Jean-Pierre Maffrand

2021 Habilitation (HDR), Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté
2008 PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, University Paris Descartes, in the Group of Pr Nicolas Inguimbert and Michel Vidal
2005 MRes (DEA) in Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology and Drug Metabolism, University Paris Descartes
2005 Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, Paris - (Chimie ParisTech)


Head of the team RITM (Radiopharmaceuticals, Imaging, Theranostics & Multimodality) at ICMUB
Co-direction, with Dr Célia Bonnet (CNRS Orléans), of the French research network in Molecular Imaging Agents (GDR AIM)

 Current members

2022-2025 Zoé BONNEFOY (PhD student, Co-direction : Franck Denat)

2021-2024 Jelena SALIEN (PhD student, Co-direction : Franck Denat, Sophie Hernot)

2020-2025 Romane VIZIER (PhD & Post-doctoral researcher)

Past members

2024 Jérémy ROBINE (DUT Chimie Besançon)

2024 Louise BUSSIERE (L3 Chimie Dijon)

2023 Marina BRAY et Alexandre CHARRA (L3 Chimie Dijon)

2023 Maël CROIZIER (DUT Chimie Besançon)

2022 Manon CARRIERRE (DUT Chimie Besançon)

2022 Maxime CHEVEAU (Master 2 T2MC Dijon)

2021 Youmna MOUTAA (Master 2 T2MC Dijon)

2021 Johan FAIVRE (DUT Chimie Besançon)

2021 Sara GONCALVES (Stage découverte 3ème)

2021 Lauriane AVELINO, Edouard DALLOZ (L3 Chimie Dijon)

2020 Colin ROUANET (Stage découverte 3ème)

2019 Thibaut CHARBONNIER (short term contract as Research engineer)

2019 Isabelle WARNER (BS University Puget Sound)

2019-2022 Thibaud BAILLY (Master 2 MMHD + PhD)

2017 Laurène DA COSTA (Postdoc)

2017-2020 Emma RENARD (PhD)

2017  Alexis HERVEAUX (L2 SV Dijon), Mylène BONNIER (L3 Chimie Dijon)

2016 Patrick DESIREE, Véronique TRAN (Licence 3 Dijon)

2015-2018 Coline CANOVAS (Master 2 CMPP + PhD)

2014 Camille ARBARERI (Master 2 CMPP)

2013 Sébastien GALOIS (Master 2 CMPP)