Video Production

Vicki Murray-Kurzban

Below are some examples of the videos I have designed and developed. 

Staff Training Videos

These clips were designed to engage learners from the beginning of each staff training module.  It is one of 13 clips in a 3-module series that includes staff interviews and step-by-step tutorials. I worked with international SME's to design and write the scripts and directed the filming at a hospital with staff and patients.

Parenting Basics Educational Videos

The Parenting Basics series is an example of how videos can engage viewers and make learning more effective. Bite-sized chunks of information (this example is about responding to crying babies), clear graphics, and interviews engage the viewer without cognitive overload. 

I worked with SME's to assess learning gaps, design a learning plan, wrote the scripts, and oversaw the production  of this 24-volume series designed to help educators teach young  parents about health, safety, and life skills in their first three years of parenting.

3D animation.mp4

3D Animation

3D animation can be very useful in explaining  internal mechanisms, or scaling things up or down so they can be seen, among other affordances. The  design and development stage is essential due to the cost- and time-intensive  nature of animation. I worked with SME's and animators to produce several clips used to teach medical staff about breastfeeding.


Promotional Videos

This short video was made to encourage "reluctant" users to give online learning a try. It provides an overview of the benefits of online learning and how challenges are addressed as well as an interview with a respected expert in the field. I wrote the script, directed the video, performed the interviews, and completed the rough edit.