About Me

Vicki Murray-Kurzban


Instructional Designer

For the last 10 years I have designed and developed e-learning courses, educational videos, graphics, animations, and support materials for staff training and development, higher education (both graduate and undergraduate), and patient education. 

I have been involved in the design and development of over 30 online courses and other educational digital assets. These include videos, interactions, quizzes, extended activities, graphics, animations, job aids, and guidance documents. I have built courses in Articulate 360, Captivate, and on the Thought Industries platform.

Video Production

I create educational videos that leverage the medium's affordances. I write scripts, direct shoots, design and develop animation, operate A/V production equipment, and edit. Tools I work with include Adobe Premiere Pro, Camtasia, Vyond, and others. 

Project Manager

I have experience in leading creative teams and projects, working with a variety of consultants and subject matter experts, and defining and meeting stakeholder expectations, scope, budget, and timelines


Preparing to direct a video shoot at a hospital for a staff training course.

Media-Rich Instruction

Audio-visual media, whether in the form of video, images, graphics, narration, music, or virtual reality, has the power to deepen understanding and motivate learners.

To use multimedia most effectively, learning objectives need to be identified and incorporated at the beginning of the design process, taking into considerations the limitations of the format.

This leads to better learning outcomes and avoids the cognitive overload that can occur when using multiple forms of media.


We are all empowered when we have access to effective education. To ensure access to the maximum number of people in the most efficient way, digital equity and accessibility standards need to be considered from the beginning of the instructional design process.

Universal design principals and ADA compliance ensures more equitable access to education. 

I am passionate about all kinds of equity, not just educational.  See this pro-bono course I made while getting my master's degree about recognizing implicit bias in the workplace.

Climate Change 

I have always been an engaged citizen, and have made environmental education a personal mission. I began a youth group with El Puente in Brooklyn to empower youth to use video in raising awareness about environmental racism, have created a social media piece to educate citizens about SB 182,  created an infographic to explain main concepts in curbing greenhouse gas emissions, and made a TED talk-like presentation entitled "My Dirty Little Secret."