Precautionary measures

Some preventive measures in Belgium are:

Vaccines and injections:

  • Mandatory:
  • yellow fever
  • Recommended:
  • tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Hepatitis B
  • Triple Vírica
  • Flu
  • Pneumococcus

In addition, the water is potable

People in Brussels have become accustomed to buying it; And they do not because the faucet is of poor quality, but because they value more the taste and mineral properties of the bottled. I have to say that for me the Pamplona water has a more natural taste and I have never had any objection to drinking it without filtering it. In Belgium, the amount of lime stored in the washbasin, shower and appliances is very high. But in the end it is drinkable.

Bring warm clothes for winter.

The climate in Belgium is temperate maritime, with rainfall throughout the year. The average annual temperature is 9 ° C, but in the summer months it reaches up to 20 ° C on average. ... In winter, temperatures below zero are reached and it is normal that snow several times in these months.

Emergency numbers:

  • Federal Police: 10
  • Ambulances, medical emergencies and firefighters: 100
  • European emergency number: 112


  • It is recommended that you carry a copy of your passport with you during your stay in Belgium, as well as obtain a copy of it and have it somewhere safe.
  • Driving while intoxicated (with the presence of alcohol in the blood in a proportion greater than 0.5 grams-liter) or under the effect of narcotics can cause your arrest and imprisonment, depending on where you are.
  • The seat belt is mandatory when traveling by car.
  • Visitors who wish to drive a rented car can do so with the presentation of their current driver's license (or a driver's license in international format).
  • Drug trafficking is strongly prosecuted and punished.

In Case of Detention

  • Ask the Belgian immigration, police or other authorities to enter into communication with the corresponding consulate of your country. This consular notification is your right and is part of the international conventions that both countries have signed. Consular staff will visit you as soon as the Belgian authorities allow it.
  • It is recommended to bring the consular protection phone number to your hand.
  • Consult the protection and consular assistance actions that the Government of your country can exercise to your advantage in Belgium.


  • Do not forget to notify your credit institution and / or account executive of your bank that you will travel to Belgium, to inform you about the procedures in case of theft or loss, or problems you might face when withdrawing money with your cards abroad .


  • I just said a very funny phrase, "If you have to whiskey, you have for the ice," does not speak of luxury or anything like that, but is right in that if we are going to travel, it is worth hiring medical insurance. There are some very cheap for 20 USD per week without paying premium. It's better to have it and not need it, to need it and not have it, you think that going to London is not going to be dangerous, that you can not break anything because you're not going to go hiking, to give an example, but we do not know if a person without He wants to hit us with his bicycle and hurt us, it's not paranoia, it's simply being prepared for any situation.


  • This warning also serves for problems with drugs, many travelers end the adventure of their dreamed trip in prisons, without their family or the embassy can do anything for them in the absence of treaties interrelations of ex-tradition. Judges tend to be very harsh with this type of crime excluding criminal benefits such as exits, visits, remission of penalties. Already said before Belgium has zero tolerance for drugs and this crime is heavily punished.

Issues to consider

Talk to your doctor before flying if you are sick or have health problems, or, in the case of women, if you are pregnant. You may need another type of protection, such as vaccines or medications. The doctor may also recommend not flying if you have certain medical conditions.

If you need to receive oxygen while traveling, you will need to notify the airline in advance. Federal air regulations do not allow you to carry your own oxygen unit on an airplane. Most airlines can provide oxygen for an additional cost. You can also make plans in advance to receive oxygen during the stopovers between flights and at your destination. If you have a disability, you can request a wheelchair.

Keep in mind that it is also dangerous to fly after certain activities. An example is diving. It is necessary to wait 12 to 24 hours after diving to be able to fly. Consult your diving instructor or a doctor for more information.