VO Amateur Radio Club



The Venture Out Amateur Radio Club is located at 5001 E. Main Street in Mesa, AZ. The club has a well-equipped Ham Shack and offers Ham Radio Classes and Testing.

Presidents’ Welcome Letter

Welcome to the Venture Out Amateur Radio Website. Our community of radio enthusiasts has access to a well-equipped radio shack. Ham club members participate in events, field day at a local park, weekly meetings and net radio meetings. Nonmembers may attend classes for FCC license exam preparation. Our library has resource materials to aid those members interested in communications and is located within the Ham shack.

Club meetings are held at the Oasis building on Saturdays at 10:00 am.  Net is held Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:00 pm on frequency 146.46 Mhz. simplex.  

Regards, Richard Shaink President

Presentations at Saturday weekly meetings:

February: John Lenaham, Feb. 15, 2025 Elmers, Lids…