What is SmartBeam Projector?

Image from: StableDiffusionXL bot

The Problem 

Although educational technology has come a long way with tablets and VR specific activities, and group activities also help students develop socially, there have not been many tools that allow small groups to work together in a digital way. These problems include:

Image from: StableDiffusionXL bot

The Solution 

SmartBeam Projector is the solution for Primary levels (grades 1-6)! This is because it allows small class groups to interact with the projector on the table in the intuitive way of simply touching and object in the fun and interactive group-based games we provide for this product. Even though our product provides many entertaining and educational games, you can download and install games for the Google Play Store. Also, to keep the price low, there it is not needed to buy one for each student. As this is designed for group activities, a classroom only needs one for each group. 

Image from: yankodesign.com

SmartBeam Projector Could Include: