Market Opportunity

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Market Plan 

SmartBeam Projector will begin with a trial in the Vancouver area, but we plan to expand to other major cities across Canada. Our focus is to provide enough units for the regions we will enter and prepare these units for those regions and curricula in advance. Our initial projectors will be available in larger bundles for school districts and soon after for purchase by classroom teachers via our website.

We plan to sell our SmartBeam Projectors to:

Market charts

According to a Fortune Business report about Adaptive Learning Software, which the SmartBeam Projector uses, the global market size was USD 1.61 billion in 2019 and is projected to grow to USD 7.94 billion by 2027 and USD 17.64 billion by 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 22.1% during the forecast period.

Adaptive Learning technology has gained widespread recognition and acceptance in education during and post-pandemic, mostly due to the pandemic. This is because adaptive learning platforms have become a priority for use in continuing learning. Adaptive learning is expected to continue to play a major role in its stability due to its benefits in one-to-one instructions, greater time efficiency, confidence-based approach, the capability to create individualized learning paths, and personalized learning for a heterogeneous group.

The rising need for advanced and innovative approaches to solutions to improve student success has led to the emergence of advanced digital learning technology. Adaptive tools include advanced technologies like augmented reality and our SmartBeam Projector. These technologies enhance the software's capabilities and make it more enjoyable to the learners, which can bring a spark back into the classroom.

Looking solely at Augmented Reality, Fortune Business reports the global market size was valued at USD 62.75 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow to USD 93.67 billion by 2024 to USD 1,869.40 billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 45.4% during the forecast period.

Focusing on the education industry of Augmented Reality, eLearning apps, such as those from our SmartBeam Projector, have integrated immersive and communicative tools that offer advanced teaching techniques to students in the education industry. This may be due to its wide range of useful applications.

How Can Projectors Help with Group Activities?

Interactive Projectors can be used in group activities due to their many potential benefits for education. First of all, it helps build an immersive setting that makes students feel like they are a part of the augmented simulation. Students can try interacting with the simulation and playing with the things in the simulation in a risk-free yet monitored setting. In being more willing to try, they will be able to absorb more information through interacting and learning the simulation's information it gives. Augmented reality can also help present more information in a way that is more memorable than a piece of paper or a disappearing slide on a screen. This is particularly helpful when presenting complex information to the student or sharing a new topic that the students have not prior knowledge of. Because of this, there can be a better retaining of knowledge that can be used in the next lesson.

Although augmented reality come a long way, in terms of group augmented reality, where the students can share the experience easily together, there has been an absence in this area. Interactive projectors, like our SmartBeam Projector, fill this growing market nicely and allow those companies the unique opportunity with their innovation and skill. With the use of interactive projectors, it could have a major impact on eLearning in shifting such aspects from an individual activity to one with more social interaction.