• Isolated and combined effects of LULC on stream flow is tested

  • Effect of mining lands on sediment yield in past and future scenarios were studied

  • Cascading effect on stream flow was observed as upper catchment gauging stations are yielding accurate results than lower catchment gauging stations.

  • Increase of cultivated lands at greater magnitudes in future years was observed which further increases water demand in the region indicating the requisite of proper land and water resource management.

  • Secondary satellite datasets were considered for developing fire susceptibility maps

  • Usage of Susceptibility maps in hydrological model for estimating effects of fire on water balance was proposed.

  • Highly susceptible sub basins were analysed for variations in lateral and surface flow.

  • Around 21.16% increase in burnt area was estimated in 2017 when compared to 2005

  • Around 30.83% increase in the percentage change of streamflow from pre and post fire scenarios was observed from 2005 to 2017

  • Integration of two precipitation products employing nudging scheme was proposed.

  • Reliability and applicability of recently released ERA-5 dataset was explored.

  • Sensitivity of calibration parameters was tested employing discrete calibration scenarios.

  • CHIRPS proved best for streamflow modeling and the ERA-5 in detecting rainfall.

  • Satellite precipitation products yielded better results in humid and tropical regions