
M.Tech (Research) - 2017 -2019

Specialization: Remote Sensing and GIS

National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India

Research Supervisor: Dr. H. Ramesh


  • Analyzing the impact of land use land cover change on stream flow and sediment yield generation in the Tungabhadra river basin

  • Handling and applying satellite derived rainfall and temperature datasets

  • Projecting future landscape scenarios using dynamic land use models

B.Tech - 2012 - 2016

Specialization: Civil Engineering

GMR Institute of Technology, Razam, India

Project Guide: K.S.B. Prasad

  • Major Project: 'Influence of glass fibers and polyster fibers on mechanical properties of pervious concrete’.

  • Mini project: ’Bacterial self healing concrete’


Junior Research Fellow - February 2020 - Present

CSRE, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Project: Risk Assessment of Moraine Dammed Glacier Lakes due to Climate change’.

Junior Research Fellow - August 2019 - January 2020

Department of Agriculture and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India

Project: 'Development and Evaluation of Real-Time River-Reservoir Water Quality Advisory System'.

Assistant System Engineer - August 2016 - July 2017

Tata Consultancy Services, Chennai, India

Project: 'Hewlett Packard Website Support'.