Lorraine Stanton

Time: 11-11:45am

Speaker 2: Lorraine Stanton

Title of Presentation: Educational Roleplay in Virtual Worlds

Session Description:

Virtual simulations can be a practical environment for facilitating educational role-play, which has been shown to increase student empathy and understanding of the persons being studied. However, students sometimes experience a steep learning curve and discomfort with using virtual world technology. In this session you will explore some different ways that you can promote role-play for your students, and discuss how their learning can benefit.

Dr. Lorraine Stanton, Ed.D, is an adult teaching & learning professional, curriculum developer, and instructional designer with over 20 years of experience in both educational and corporate settings. Lorraine's specialty and research areas include learning self-efficacy, educational roleplay, educational simulations, learner engagement & motivation, gamification, and usability & accessibility for online learners.

Second Life Avatars: Lorraine Charron, Tayren Theas

Email: lorraine1962@gmail.com

Website: https://www.drlorrainestanton.com/

VEN Presentation: Virtual Worlds for Educational Roleplay - see below

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorraine-stanton-ed-d-9903b917/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Gpr-Ru_RNb86QWSG4IN0A

Dissertation: Undergraduate Student Self-Efficacy and Perceptions of Virtual World Learning Experience

Blog: https://thevirtualworldeducator.wordpress.com/2013/06/03/hipsters-and-hobos-learning-by-becoming-in-a-retro-virtual-world/

VEN 2020 - L Stanton - Virtual Roleplay.pdf