Cynthia CAloNgne

Speaker 4 Cynthia Calongne

Time: 2-2:45PM

Title of Presentation: Virtual Dreams

Dr. Cynthia Calongne, aka Lyr Lobo, is a professor with 24 years teaching and 13 years in software engineering and systems programming. With a fascination for aerospace, she supported the U.S. Space Foundation when the Space Shuttle Challenger crashed and the software in Air Force Space Command's Wing Command Post Situation Room.

From 2005-2017, she taught 52 classes held entirely in Second Life and OpenSimulator and used blended reality to bridge between Colorado Technical University's learning platform and the virtual world.

After winning the $25,000 Grand Prize for the Mars Expedition with her amazing team, she supported Will Wright's Black Ops project to design a TV series called Bar Karma featuring audience participation. Attendees at the VWBPE17 recognized her devotion to immersive education with the Thinkerer Award.

Today, her Virtual Harmony research team designs and tests game simulations that blend mesh, animation, machine learning and artificial intelligence to learn from the players as they struggle to tackle the impossible and design a sustainable living environment on Mars.

Select presentations (highlights from 292)

Curriculum Vitae