Team Assessments + Responsbilities

From Left to Right: Dana Perry, Padraig Phelps, Jake Zeyher, John Li, Vasili Karalewich

Team Responsibilities

Vasili Karalewich

Lead Software Engineer

Jake Zeyher

Hardware Engineer

Padraig Phelps

Software/Network Engineer

Dana Perry

Project Manager/Hardware Engineer

John Li

Lead Hardware Engineer

Team Assessments

The Senior Design Team has been dedicated to developing a cutting-edge Home Energy Monitor for the upcoming Senior Expo in April and has showcased exceptional cohesion, innovation, and technical prowess. The team's collaborative spirit has been a driving force behind the seamless integration of both software and hardware components, ensuring an efficient and user-friendly solution.

From the start, the team demonstrated a keen understanding of project requirements, establishing a solid foundation for the development process. Clear communication channels and well-defined roles among team members have facilitated efficient progress throughout the project timeline thus far. The group has also met bi-weekly with Professor Lei Wu to go over the project and ensure the correct path is being taken.

There have been no issues thus far regarding team members. Each member has contributed in their way and collaboration has been the driving force of the team this semester. Each member knows their strengths and weaknesses and is applying all strengths to the project.