
Stevens Institute of Technology, 

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

VEL: Virtual Energy Logger


John Li

Dana Perry

Padraig Phelps

Jake Zeyher

Vasili Karalewich


Lei Wu


VEL (Virtual Energy Logger) emerged as a response to the ubiquitous challenge of inefficient energy management in households. The problem stemmed from the lack of accessible and comprehensive means of tracking utility usage, leading to high expenses and environmental impact that is largely normalized yet avoidable. The issue primarily affected the average homeowners and businesses seeking to reduce costs and minimize their carbon footprint. VEL introduced an innovative solution by leveraging real-time data collection and analysis that enabled users to make informed decisions about their energy consumption. Its user-friendly interface and robust security measures set it apart, providing detailed insights into energy usage on a room-by-room basis. The impact of VEL empowered users to lower their utility bills, save energy, and contribute to environmental sustainability.