Milestone 1

Milestone 1.1 Customers:

The customer base and stakeholders for this energy monitoring system are diverse and multifaceted. Firstly, homeowners looking to gain a deeper understanding of their energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint or even reduce their energy bill will be primary customers. Additionally, environmentally conscious individuals seeking to embrace sustainable living practices are likely to be drawn to this product. Utility companies and energy providers represent a significant stakeholder group, as they can utilize the data generated by the system to optimize grid management and promote energy efficiency. Homebuilders and contractors involved in smart home installations may also see value in integrating this system into their offerings. Moreover, regulatory bodies and policymakers interested in promoting energy conservation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions could find this technology instrumental in achieving their goals. This product bridges the gap between eco-conscious homeowners, utility companies, and the broader ecosystem of smart home technology, offering benefits to a wide range of users and stakeholders.

Milestone 1.2 Needs:

To develop this product effectively, several key needs must be addressed. First and foremost, there is a need for robust hardware and software engineering expertise to ensure the system can reliably connect to a home's fuse box, monitor circuits accurately, and transmit data seamlessly. Furthermore, it is vital to have data analysis tools and artificial intelligence integrated into the application in order to effectively handle and decipher energy consumption information and provide effective recommendations. User experience (UX) design is critical for creating an intuitive and user-friendly app interface. Cybersecurity measures will also be a necessary consideration to protect sensitive customer data. Collaboration with utility companies may be necessary to integrate the product into existing grid management systems. Lastly, regulatory compliance and adherence to privacy standards are essential to ensure the product meets legal and ethical requirements. Developing this product successfully hinges on addressing these multifaceted needs to deliver a reliable, efficient, and secure energy monitoring solution.

Milestone 1.3 Requirements:

The application must seamlessly integrate with the home's fuse box, collect real-time energy consumption data from various circuits, and process this information effectively. It shall feature an intuitive user interface with clear data visualizations, customizable alerts, and insightful recommendations to empower users in managing their energy usage and reducing costs. The app shall maintain a usage history, prioritize data security, and offer compatibility with diverse home electrical systems. Additionally, it shall support mobile access, integrate with other smart home devices, provide customer support, and ensure scalability. The final product shall be easy to use, display clear and relevant data, and provide concise and easy-to-follow recommendations. 

Milestone 1.4 Needs-Requirements Mapping: