Vedanta philosophy

The important approaches followed by the most noted proponents of different schools of Vedanta are summarized below:

  • To theorize that the soul (Ātman / Jivātman) and the physical universe (Prakriti) are both identical with and different from Brahman. This view is held by Bhartriprapancha.
  • To place non-dualistic ideas in the most important place, relegating dualistic ideas to an interim position. This approach is followed by Shankara.
  • To theorize that non-dualism is qualified by difference. This is Ramanuja's approach.
  • To emphasize dualism, discrediting and offering an alternative explanation of non-dualistic ideas. This is from Madhva.

Sivananda gives the following explanation:

Madhva said, "Man is the servant of God," and established his Dvaita philosophy. Ramanuja said, "Man is a ray or spark of God," and established his Visishtadvaita philosophy. Sankara said, "Man is identical with Brahman or the Eternal Soul," and established his Kevala Advaita philosophy.