Philosophical End-Conclusion of Knowledge (Vedanta)

Mahaprabhu is thought to complete a series of events which began with Gautama Buddha. Buddha stopped abuse of the Vedic scripture by throwing it out entirely and declaring all to be nothing (technically called shunya-vada).

After Buddha came Sankaracharya who reinstated the Vedas by says that all was actually something, but that something was one completely unified entity (very much akin to nothing, but a step removed) – technically called advaita-vada.

After Sankara came Ramanuja who said that the “something” of divinity indicated by the Veda was indeed a unified entity – but that this unified being was not a formless mass akin to nothing, but was instead a unified entity with personal attributes and the ability to express and experience (technically, this philosophy is called vashistha-advaita-vada).

After Ramanuja came Madhva – who took the philosophical development one step further by stating that there were actually two or multiple distinct beings in the enlightened contition – the object of love and the subject of love. This philosophy is technically known as dvaita-vada.

Mahaprabhu completed the chain by integrating all the former teachings into one, and thus restoring the original understanding of the Vedanta which was lost when Buddha had to dismantle it due to corruption.

Mahaprabhu’s teaching in this regard is that the ultimate state of spiritual existence there are in fact many separate beings who can be subjects and objects of love and thus exchange bliss with one another – but he added that these subjects and objects have, along with their eternal distinction from one another, an eternal oneness and sameness. It is this sameness which makes the depth of the love (prema) espoused by Mahaprabhu so very profound and fundamental to the spiritual nature of our very being.

Mahaprabhu’s school of thought is technically known as acintya-bhed-abhed-tattva -”inconceivable simultaneous oneness and difference.”

The configuration of the three Axis – Ascendant/Descendant, Rahu/Ketu, and Solar/Lunar – portrays a person who understands polarity and duality coming into alignment and oneness.
