Exhibitior Regulations

The following regulations are current as of the time of the "Taneket 5". 

They are subject to change in the future. 

At this event, you can choose to set up your booth in "VirtualCast" yourself or outsource the setup by sending a file to the organizer.

Therefore, you can participate even if you do not have a VR device.

(The event will be streamed on YouTube at a later date.)

If you are exhibiting 3D items, avatars, accessories, images, music, etc. that are not "VCI",

or if you are not particular about how to place them,

I recommend that you entrust the setup to the organizer.

If you want to be particular about the position, angle, and placement of the installation,

I recommend that you set it up yourself.

For those who set up their own booth

Exhibition booth regulations, including the items to be displayed, must be within the following range. 

Objects   Up to 40 items

Textures   Up to 20 items

Audio Source  Up to 8 items

Total size   Up to 70MB

Please consult with us if you cannot exceed the limit.

"Objects" to which any Component of "VCI Sub Item", "Mesh Renderer", and "Skinned Mesh Renderer"

are not attached are not included in the count.

"TextMeshPro" is not included in the number of objects.

(However, if you use a large amount, the load will increase, so please keep it to a minimum.)

Due to the specifications of "VirtualCast", textures with a size of 2048×2048 or more cannot be used.

"Audio Source" should be "WAV" or "MP3" format. Also, the monaural format is recommended.

The total length of "Audio Source" should be less than 7 minutes.

If you have any questions, please contact us from the Discord server below.

<<"Taneket" Discord server>>

For those who send files(Those who do not go to set up by themselves)

The files that can be sent are as follows.

3D items(Object, Avatar) : Up to 10 items

 (Please use only Standard, UniGLTF, and UniVRM/MToon materials.)

 (If you use any other materials, they may be substituted or replaced.)

 (We suggest using either the FBX or OBJ formats.)

Image : Up to 20 items

 (The maximum allowable size is 2048x2048 pixels. 

 (If your image exceeds this size or if you have numerous files, we may need to resize your image(s).)

Audio : Up to 3 items

 (The total duration of your playback should not exceed 7 minutes when combined.)

Total : Up to 40MB

Other details in regulations

These are detailed regulation, including ones we have been receiving.

Number of the booths a single individual can exhibit

We do not impose a limit of numbers of booths one person can exhibit.

Exhibiting as a group is also permitted.

You may also exhibit a single booth as a group.

For instance, you may exhibit as a group A, with its member B, C, and D, working on it.

Asking others to set up your booth

If you are under circumstances where you, as a person submitted application for exhibit, cannot directly set up and/or submit their exhibit, you may ask other to set up or submit a booth on your behalf.

If you have been planning to set up but a booth but your circumstances change that someone else need to do this, please let us know and we will assign the room management privilege.

Use of items created by others

There are various items (VCIs) created by others, including the one that allows teleporting, which could be useful in exhibit contexts.

We do not prevent inclusion of these in your exhibits.

But your principal exhibits of your booth should be your creations of yours.

(For instance, you may use the teleport VCI created by others at the entrance of your booth.)

Use of someone else’s copyright

You may exhibit someone else’s creation provided you have obtained permission from the respective copyright owner.

(If we cannot confirm that you have permission, we may remove your content.)

It is helpful to include status of such permission as part of your notes.

Replacing exhibit

Because of the way VirtualCast works, you cannot have different VCI from what you are exhibiting.

 If you need to do this, you can do this in the following way to emulate this.

[Submit a VCI for exhibit → Place a VCI → Replace VCI on the web.]

This could potentially be useful for the case when your actual VCI is too big for the exhibit.

Sound and effect related regulations

Taneket do not usually prohibit booths from slightly exceeding its regulated limit, such as the case where part of effect or the booth structure sticks out of the booth boundaries, provided that they are not overlapping with other exhibits or common pathways.

In case of excessive departure from regulations, such as booth being twice of the regulated size, we will contact you for mitigations.

Volume of BGM and sound effects will be permitted provided that they do not interfere with exhibits of others and visitors.

(Similarly, we will be requiring you to adjust audio of excessive volumes.)

Please also refrain features involving excessive flashes, for the standpoint of health safety.

Musical content involving YouTube Content ID

With its root in a livecasting medium, there are many people who stream from VirtualCast.

If you are using any audio under YouTube Content ID, please provide display your exhibit so the livecasters can omit audio from the stream.

If you are using any of applicable audio, please let us know which contents you are using, so we can declare them appropriately.

About "NSFW" contents

We will not be disallowing "NSFW" exhibits.

However, we may have visitors who are minors, and for the standpoint of people who do not want to be exposed to such contents, please make sure they are appropriately covered from plain view.

We do not allow contents that are political, religious, and/or displaying hates toward any groups.

VR sickness prevention

Because of nature of the VR environment, it is possible people may experience a type of motion sickness known as VR sickness.

What with trigger this consider may depending on the person, but within Virtual Cast, they tend to be prominent is the feature that involves great vertical movements, curve that involves frequent shift in angle, and excessive vertical shakes.

As we respect creative freedom, we do not set special restriction for those, but please do keep them in mind.


If there are contradictions between Japanese and English text of this rule, Japanese rule prevails.

Click here for the exhibit application form!

You can check the status of your submission

using the link provided below.