Teachers Info
Schedule for the Day (click below)
All Schools must submit appropriate forms for Dance music approval.
APRA|AMCOS’ joint objective is to ensure composers/songwriters and publishers are rewarded whenever, and wherever, their musical works are played, performed or reproduced and help Australian & New Zealand music consumers get access to the world’s musical repertoire.
Tickets are no longer available through Ticket Direct
Contact the Theatre Royal website for the purchasing
Tickets are on sale for $16.50 Adults and $11.50 Students.
PURCHASE LINK (Booking fee may apply)
The Theatre Royal has also just implemented a Training program for all Technicians and Stage crew that work in the theatre. Some of our Committee members and also our Festival Stage Manager have been thru this training.
This means that unless your students are registered to use the equipment in the theatre they are not permitted to help on the Technical or Stage Crew unless they have contacted our Festival Stage Manager directly prior to the start of the Festival.
USE OF PROPS: Please note that due to the short amount of time in between dances on the night we will NOT accept any scenery or props that can not be moved by 2 dancers in the 1 minute set up time each group is allocated. If your dance requires a set you also need to make this clear to our Festival Stage Manager at least 1 week prior to the Festival. Any set that turns up on the day without prior communication with the stage manager will not be allowed into the theatre and will not be able to be used in your performance.
COVID & THEATRE ROYAL RULES: At last years festival the Theatre Royal asked that all performers, crew, staff and helpers all sign in at the Stage Door. This will be happening again this year and only those people that have been put on our sign in and out sheets will be allowed into the theatre. It is important that you arrive early on the day to make sure you have enough time to get your whole group signed in and ready for the 9am start. COVID tracing will be are every door