December 31, 2021
"May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door."
Happy New Year!
December 22, 2021
Have yourself a Merry little Christmas. May this season bring you closer to all those that you treasure in your heart.
December 17, 2021
Congratulations to Bernardo Marques, who presented his PhD Thesis:
" Concepts and Methods to support the Development and Evaluation of Remote Collaboration using Augmetned Reality ".
Enjoy your break, you deserve it!
December 16, 2021
Today, Master Student Hélder Serra presented his dissertation: "Virtual Reality for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation: User Studies and Game Development ".
Hopping you have a great time at your new job!
December 6, 2021
Following previous editions, the members of the VAR Lab got together to socialize and eat some Pizza. How nice to be able to bring everyone together once again.
December 3, 2021
Today, Master Student Miguel Neves presented his dissertation: "3D Reconstruction to create Continuous Augmented Reality Experiences ".
Best of luck to your future!
November 23, 2021
This week, PhD Candidate Bernardo Marques shared his journey using AR with the students of the Virtual and Augmetned Reality Course, hopping to influence their decisions towards the practical project assignments.
November 18, 2021
During our weekly meeting, we took the opportunity to explore some tracking and manipulation features of the Hololens 2 in the scope of André Santos MSc. dissertation.
November 16, 2021
Today, a group of students from the Virtual and Augmented Reality Course visited our laboratory to discover the various types of devices available, which they will be exploring in the next 2 months for their practival projects. Best of luck to you all during this endeavour.
November 12, 2021
The International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, ICGI 2022 will he held at the University of Aveiro. Stay tunned for further details in the coming months.
November 8, 2021
Last week, Professor Beatriz Sousa Santos was one of the invited keynotes at the International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, ICGI 2021. She presented: "On Augmentend Reality: some recent work for industry", where she presented some recent work regarding the VAR Lab group.
November 5, 2021
PhD candidate Bernardo Marques presented another recent work at the International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, ICGI 2021.
"A vision for contextualized evaluation of remote collaboration supported by AR"
November 4, 2021
PhD candidate Bernardo Marques presented a recent work at the International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, ICGI 2021.
"Exploring Remote Augmented Reality as a 2D Authoring Tool for Creation of Guiding Instructions"
November 4, 2021
Professor Paulo presented some recent work at the International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, ICGI 2021.
"Exploring MR for Remote Collaboration: Comparing a 3D shared model approach with 2D annotations"
November 3, 2021
Today, Professor Paulo Dias made a presenation to a group of high school students interested in learning more about the research developed in the VAR Lab.
October 31, 2021
Happy Halloween everyone.
October 30, 2021
This week, master students Hélder Serra and Miguel Neves submitted their dissertations for defense:
"Virtual Reality for stroke rehabilitation: user studies and game development"
"3D Reconstructions to create continuous Augmented Reality experiences"
Congratulations for the hard work. Now, lets prepare the presentations!
October 27, 2021
These last few days, PhD candidate Bernardo Marques has been a Student Volunteer at the CSCW 2021 conference, an interesting opportunity to assist authors presenting and discussing their work, as well as learn new things and network.
October 13, 2021
Today, some members of the VAR Lab visited Bosch Aveiro, in the scope of project Augmented Humanity - Augmanity. They took this oppportunity to conduct come data collection based on 3D scans.
October 6, 2021
To welcome the new students of DETI - Departamento de Electrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática, Universidade de Aveiro, the team from the VAR Lab - Virtual & Augmented Reality Group created a small promotional video about our main research interest and areas of application. Come visit us at IEETA!
October 4, 2021
Tomorrow, PhD candidate Bernardo Marques will be presenting at the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2021.
"A Toolkit to Evaluate and Characterize the Collaborative Process in Scenarios of Remote Collaboration Supported by AR"
October 1, 2021
Bosch Termotecnologia and the University of Aveiro have developed technologies that will shape the future of smart and sustainable homes, through the Smart Green Homes partnership. The official presentation of the conclusions of this partnership was attended by the Minister of State, Economy and Digital Transformation, Pedro Siza Vieira.
The work developed by Bernardo Marques, Tiago Madeira and Paulo Dias was featured in the project main innovations:
"BARTT - Bosch Augmented Reality Technical Support: Interface usa tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada para dar informação interativa para a realização de operações de manutenção simples a equipamentos Bosch."
September 7, 2021
Once again, congratulations to PhD candidate Bernardo Marques, for another recent publication:
"A critical analysis on remote collaboration mediated by Augmented Reality: Making a case for improved characterization and evaluation of the collaborative process."
September 10, 2021
This semester, we welcome André Santos, who will be working on his master degree dissertation: "AR and 3D Reconstruction for situated visualisation in Industrial Context"
September 6, 2021
Felicitations to PhD candidate Bernardo Marques for his recent journal publication at TVCG:
"A Conceptual Model and Taxonomy for Collaborative Augmented Reality"
September 1, 2021
Best of luck to Samuel Silva, who will be starting his new role as an Auxiliar Professor at the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics (DETI).
August 1, 2021
Happy vacations to everyone.
July 30, 2021
Congratulations to PhD candidate João Alves for his recent publication:
"Using augmented reality for industrial quality assurance: a shop floor user study"
July 9, 2021
PhD candidate Bernardo Marques presented his thesis on-going work at Research Summit 2021.
July 8, 2021
PhD candidate Bernardo Marques presented at the International Conference Information Visualisation, IV 2021.
"Visually exploring a Collaborative AR Taxonomy"
July 7 , 2021
Congratulations to PhD candidate João Alves on his recent journal publication:
"Comparing augmented reality visualization methods for assembly procedures
July 5 , 2021
This week, Professor Beatriz Sousa Santos took over as one of the members of the University's of Aveiro general council.
June 22, 2021
This week, PhD candidate Bernardo Marques has been conducting user studies, in the scope of his thesis on remote collaboration supported by Augmented Reality.
Thanks to everyone for their time and expertise.
June 16, 2021
Today, Professor Paulo Dias and PhD candidates Bernardo Marques and Tiago Madeira visit the Smart Green Homes (SGH) final demonstrator.
June 9, 2021
Congratulations to PhD candidate Nuno Martins on his recent publication:
"An Ontology for Evaluation of Remote Collaboration using Augmented Reality"
May 14, 2021
A gentle reminder to keep the work going, even during the circunstances we are facing.
April 29, 2021
This week, Professor Beatriz Sousa Santos, Professor Paulo Dias and PhD candidate Bernardo Marques (Presented and Student Volunteer) have been participating at the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality & 3D User Interfaces, IEEE VR 2021.
"Remote Asynchronous Collaboration in Maintenance scenarios using Augmented Reality and Annotations"
April 2, 2021
Congratulations to PhD candidate Nuno Martins on his recent journal publication:
"Augmented Reality situated visualization in decision-making"
March 17, 2021
Being at home is a good opportunity to advance the thesis writing according to PhD candidate Bernardo Marques. And you? How are you making the most of your time?
February 5, 2021
Setting up tomorrow's meeting with some late night company.
'What are you doing human?'
January 21, 2021
Congratulations to PhD cancidate João Alves on his recent publication:
"Using Augmented Reality and Step by Step Verification in Industrial Quality Control"
January 18, 2021
Today, master student Fábio Xavier has presented his dissertation:
"FicaVis: Visualização de dados para comate ao abandono escolar na Universidade de Aveiro"