
{Juniors and Seniors}

A résumé is a one-page personal information sheet summarizing your experiences, qualifications, and special skills. There are many styles of résumés. Your teacher can provide you with various examples.

 Ideally, your résumé is a living document. You should start it in your junior year and update it every year.

Traditional Format Sample (click on the link)

Google Doc Templates (Scroll to find résumé templates)

Canva Templates (click on the link)

Helpful Information to Have on Your Résumé:



Phone (if applicable)

GPA/Weighted GPA

Work Experience

Leadership Experiences

Community Service



For more examples, see the following recommended résumé websites:

Purdue Online Writing Lab Resume Workshop

ReadWriteThink - Resume Generator - Designing an Effective Resume: Do's and Don't's

Grammar Girl - How to Write a Better Resume

Yale Office of Career Strategy- Action Verbs for Resumes - High School Graduate Resume Examples

Sample: Legacy Tiger Resume