Skills Assessments

This page is designed to help you evaluate and enhance key skills that are essential for personal and professional development. Through self-assessment forms and detailed feedback, you can gain insights into your current abilities and identify areas for growth. 

Additionally, here we offer a coaching inventory to be completed with a coach during your first session, ensuring a personalized coaching experience. 

Explore our informative information pages for each category, providing insights and strategies to prepare you for your learning journey.

Coaching Inventory

To be completed during your first session with a Learning Lab coach. This in-depth inventory identifies your academic goals, behaviors, skills, and needs.

Evaluate your current abilities with critical study skills like time management, note-taking, reading strategies, and test prep.

Discover your predominant learning style(s). This provides insight on how you learn best.

Assess your mindset (fixed or growth) and how it impacts your motivation and achievement. Develop a growth mindset for success.

Clarify your academic goals and create an action plan with steps to achieve them. Stay focused and motivated.

Identify your current time management skills. Learn strategies to improve planning, avoid procrastination, and use time effectively.