Academic Honesty

Helpful Tips to Maintain Academic Integrity

Maintaining academic integrity is essential for a meaningful and authentic educational experience. As you navigate through diverse courses, engage with peers, and pursue knowledge, the fundamental tenet of honesty and ethical conduct will shape the authenticity of your learning endeavors. 

Here are some helpful tips to ensure you uphold the highest standards of honesty and ethical conduct throughout your academic journey at Valencia College: 

Go to Class

Understand Expectations

Cite Sources Properly

Clarify Assignment Guidelines

Utilize Support Services

Reflect on Academic Ethics

Understanding Violations

All violations of the academic integrity policy at Valencia College are expressly prohibited within the College community. 

Below are defined violations, including but not limited to:

A. Plagiarism

B. Cheating

C. Misrepresentation of Academic Experiences, Ability, or Effort

D. Unauthorized Access

E. Facilitating Violations of Academic Integrity

Our Commitment to Academic Integrity

At Valencia College, we are dedicated to fostering an academic environment that upholds high standards of transparency, integrity, trust, and responsibility. 

Our commitment is guided by the following principles: 

Individual Effort and Attribution

Collective Accountability

Responsibilities of Faculty and Students

Consequences of Violations