
Selena is a strong-willed individual who is not afraid to state her opinion. Despite not having children, she has a strong maternal instinct and is very protective of those she cares about. She is a thoroughly modern woman who makes full use of any technology available to her.

Selena's parents were veterinarians from Raven Tribe who specialised in treating tokotas. She grows up with great love and respect for the animals, and makes a career of developing training programmes, both for pups and the people who want to work with them.

Alongside Anana, she owns the Napaaktuk Sanctuary. From there, she trains tokotas, and trains other people to work with tokotas. Selena values speed, strength, stamina and intelligence in her pups, but she also appreciates tokotas for their beauty. She is often summoned to speak at the Tokotna Council, which demonstrates the respect that she has earned throughout Kanqisat.

Though she is not a member of any faction, she has ties with both the Pack Leaders and the Knowledge Seekers, and sometimes acts as a bridge between the two factions.

Selena's Tokotas