About Fresh cutting flowers 

Fresh Cutting Flowers stands as a distinguished purveyor, offering a meticulously curated selection of fresh cut flowers sourced with utmost care from local growers and trusted wholesalers. Their meticulous selection process focuses on quality, beauty, and diversity, guaranteeing their customers a vast and exquisite array of choices.

We specialize in catering to a diverse range of occasions, including but not limited to anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine's Day, and various celebrations. Their highly skilled florists craft bespoke floral arrangements, precisely tailored to capture the essence and importance of each event. These thoughtfully designed creations serve as impeccable gifts, providing their clientele with an eloquent means to express sentiments of love, joy, and appreciation in the most profound and meaningful manner.

Design Challenge 

The task at hand involved creating a comprehensive user-centric smart technology system tailored for a local small-scale business within my vicinity. During my exploration, I identified a local plant and flower retailer that lacked any technological infrastructure within their store premises, hindering both employee efficiency and customer experience. My objective was to implement an integrated solution that not only streamlined internal operations but also significantly enhanced the ease and satisfaction of the clientele. 


Georg is committed to optimizing the user experience for his customers by integrating smart technology solutions into his business operations. Currently lacking any technological tools, he recognizes the potential to enhance both his own efficiency and the satisfaction of his clientele. His aspiration is to implement seamless and user-friendly systems that will not only simplify his daily tasks but also provide customers with a more efficient and satisfying experience, aligning with the principles of user experience design.

Design Frame   

How might we leverage smart technology to create a user-centric and efficient retail experience for Georg's plant and flower business, ensuring the seamless operation of the store and optimizing customer satisfaction in a technology-deficient environment? 


Planning Phase


The strategic utilization of wireframing and sketching proves invaluable in the meticulous planning of design layouts, especially in scenarios where multifaceted interfaces comprising various screens, such as login, sign-up, onboarding, landing, and settings screens, are involved. These foundational UX design techniques enable the visualization and conceptualization of user interactions, ensuring an intuitive and seamless navigation experience across the diverse array of screens within the interface. 

Low fidelity Spatial wireframes 

Spatial wireframes have empowered me to spot potential usability hurdles and tackle them head-on. By envisioning how elements are arranged in space, I gain insights into user interactions, allowing me to simplify processes and elevate overall usability. Additio 

Flow diagram 

Dimensions and layout of the location 



High Fidelity Wireframes  

Color palette 

Final UI Design