IACS UG Webinar Series

Upcoming Talks

7.Seventh Talk -

SPEAKER - Mr. Suhas Adiga, SGTB Khalsa College, New Delhi.


Date and Time - November 6, 2022. 6 (± ε) PM.

Where - Google Meet (link given below).


 Do be present, and spread the word!!

 GMeet link for the biweekly Seminars : vpp-ytce-zfi 

 About Us

We are a group of Undergraduate students and Science enthusiasts, who are organizing this Seminar series, to share exciting ideas, create connections and discuss Science with our friends and peers from each corner of the globe. Thank you for visiting our website!

We may be reached at : iacsugseminar@gmail.com . Feel free to email us about any queries, complaints and suggestions. 

 Core Committee

Tunir Ghosh , Sampurna Dutta , Debasrija Mondal , Nilanjan Sasmal , Mandas Biswas, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Arjo Dasgupta


Rules and Regulations

The duration for the talks are expected to be around 40 minutes.

There will be a 10 minute QnA session right after the talk ends. All in all, we expect the entire event to last around 50 minutes.

Kindly keep your videos and audio off during the entire duration of the talk. 

You may type your questions in the Chat box, or may unmute yourselves in the end of the talk to ask them directly.