STEM in Academia

Particle's for Justice Article- Reaction to CERN talk about Women in Physics-

Think Your Credentials are Ignored Because you are a Woman? It Could Be. Excerpt of article below:

"When I first became a professor I was 26. And female. (I'm no longer 26; still female.)

The combination made me anxious about whether students would take me seriously as an authority on the material I was trying to teach. I made a point of introducing myself as "Professor Lombrozo," and I signed e-mails to students the same way — especially those addressed to Miss/Ms./Mrs. Lombrozo, or those that simply used my first name. I bought some collared shirts from Brooks Brothers; I made a point never to wear jeans when meeting with undergraduates. If I looked more like people's mental image of a professor, I thought, maybe I'd be treated like one, too."