Climate in STEM majors and fields

Closing the gender gap in STEM- Minnesota Public Radio Article and Link to Radio Show. Features UW- River Falls Physics Prof. Rellen Hardtke. Read/Listen Now

Where are women in the FBI's top ranks?

The Trouble With Bright Girls

How Women are Harassed Out of Science

Why do so Many Women Who Study Engineering Leave the Field?

Harassment in the Sciences- Resources and Information

"The exclusion of women from coding fits perfectly into centuries of labor history". Article about recent "google bro" who wrote why women shouldn't be supported in tech and in STEM because of evolutionary biology (he was fired from Google). Interesting perspective comparing history of computer programming (the first programmers were women!) with the development of fields like brewing and weaving.

"Being a Doctor is Hard. It's Harder for Women."- NYTimes Article

"Female medical residents and physicians endure bias and a larger burden with home duties. They also face a greater risk of depression." Dhruv Khullar

"It's Time for Science and Academia to Address Sexual Misconduct" Scientific American and 500 Women Scientists