90's doodles

The reason I took a book binding course was because I wanted to learn how to etch. The one instructor with etchings in his art, was only teaching Book-Arts, not printmaking. So, I researched Rembrandt's mortar mix at the library and learned by myself, using my studio hours in the OSAC print shop.

But, the bookbinding stayed with me. I kept a photo-gallery of most of the 'thought books' I've made over the years.

Found some old brown paper in the 4th floor Bullier Building studio that fascinated me 90-93.
'the drain goblin' watercolor, about what we fear is down the drain. 90-93

After getting kicked out of PNCA, I took a book binding course at OSAC (was then Oregon School of Arts & Crafts). This art is taped and glued into one of these books.

Abstract doodles primarily started in high school. These done in Portland, OR 92-93 were all about frames and wondering what is a finished work of art. I cut asymmetrical mat-board frames because I still dislike symmetry and machined frames. I colored the bond card-stock myself because I also dislike dyed paper and thought about using glass with bolts or hanger clips sans-frame for hanging. The "fine-art-thing" is a losing battle like reconciling "finished" art. It is a direction I'm still working on 25 years later.