
UUPA Afterwork

Join us every last thursday of the month (subject to change) for an afterwork at William's pub.
It's a great way to meet fellow postdocs of Uppsala university and become part of our community. See you there!

Uppsala Circle

Do you enjoy reading books and discussing their content? Then this new initiative might be something for you. 📚 📚 📚

Uppsala Circle is more than a book club; it's a forum for intellectual exploration and social interaction. It is tailored to people who are keen to deepen their understanding of the world around us: our direction, societal trends, the roots of human behavior, the principles governing nature, and our collective future.

We explore a wide range of influential works spanning the sciences and humanities. These books introduce concepts and ideas frequently encountered in news, television, or online. We trace them back to their origins and authors. Additionally, we delve into contemporary literature found in city bookshops, at the airports, or on recommended lists of major newspapers. Reading transforms us into more informed and well-rounded individuals.

If you are interested or would like more information, please register here


New to postdoc? 

Our postdoc association is organizing an information day for postdocs at Uppsala University.

You will learn more about postdoc opportunities, career and development. Do you feel stressed and need social support? And how about the integration with the Swedish system? Come join us on May 13 at 13:30!

Summer BBQ 

IT is All about writing