Principal Lecturer

Francis G. (Frank) Garvan is an internationally renowned mathematician of the highest calibre. Dr. Garvan’s areas of research expertise include integer partitions and related combinatorial functions, mock theta functions, and symbolic computation. He obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University under George Andrews in 1986. Over the next four years he held various visiting and postdoctoral positions before joining the faculty of the University of Florida in 1990. He has been a full professor at the University of Florida since 2000. Professor Garvan has been awarded external funding for his research from the NationalScience Foundation, the National Security Agency, and the Simons Foundation. Professor Garvan is an active conference organizer and has obtained grant funding as PI to support fivemajor international conferences at the University of Florida from the NSF, the NSA, and theNumber Theory Foundation. The most recent of these conferences was the 2016 Gainesville International Number Theory Conference, held in honor of Krishnaswami Alladi’s sixtieth birthday. He has served as a principal organizer for eight international conferences at theUniversity of Florida.Professor Garvan is the author or coauthor of seventy peer-reviewed works, which have appeared in well-respected journals including Advances in Mathematics, Inventiones Mathamaticæ, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, and Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. Over the course of his career, he has served as a plenary or keynote speaker sixteen times at conferences held in the USA, Australia, Canada, China, and India. He has served as Managing Editor for The Ramanujan Journal since its inception in 1997.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 2132649.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Additional funding for this event is provided by the National Security Agency