Conference Schedule

Coffee and treats should be available starting at about 8 AM.

M. T. W. Th. F.

930-1030 AM FG-1 FG-3 FG-5 FG-7 FG-9

11AM - noon MD AJY PP-1 PP-2 CJS

2 - 3 PM GEA FDT LR FG-8 FG-10

330 - 430 PM FG-2 FG-4 FG-6

AJY = Ae Ja Yee

CJS = Chris Jennings-Shaffer

FDT = Freeman Dyson tribute

FG = Frank Garvan, 1-10 for ten principal lectures.

GEA = George E Andrews

LR = Larry Rolen

MD = Madeline Dawsey

PP = Peter Paule, 1-2 (1: research lecture, 2: software lecture).

Each talk is planned to run for 50 minutes plus 10 minutes Q & A at the end.

The talks will all be delivered in the Academic Services Building (EACSB) room 1.106,

building number 22 on the map found at this URL:

This is NOT the building that houses the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.

Principal Lecturer titles and abstracts are under the "Lectures" tab.

Titles and Abstracts of supporting lectures are in the "Invited Speakers" tab.