Krashen's Hypotheses

I'm so excited about the series that I'm starting. The last few years, I've really been delving deep into the research behind how people learn language, which then informs best practices for language teaching. Almost everything I read ties back into a researcher named Stephen Krashen (who I actually attended a conference given by back in 2013!!) and his six hypotheses of language acquisition.

Krashen first started his research into language acquisition in the 1970s, and continues today; to this day, research has just continued to prove that his hypotheses are accurate.The next few weeks, I'm going to briefly explain each of his hypotheses and give a few suggestions for ways that we all can apply them in our classrooms.

To access the subpages for the different hypotheses, you can use the drop-down menu next to "Krashen's Hypotheses" in the top navigation bar, or the links will be below.