Ship Specifications

USS Tomcat Specifications

Refit Cycle:-

Known Active ships:-


Ship's Crew Complement excluding Troops and Pilots:-


Defence Systems:-

Warp Speeds:-

Auxiliary Craft:- 2 Shuttlebays

30th CAW 

36x Gryphon Fighters - uses straight-through flight hanger to launch

100th Sqn - Starfleet

101st Sqn - Marines

102nd Sqn - Klingon

Some Auxillary Craft Assigned to USS Tomcat

36x  Gryphon Class Fighters




6x Type 18 Shuttlepods 2x TYPE-6 PERSONNEL SHUTTLE (UPRTD) 


Type: Medium short-range sublight shuttle.

Accommodation: Two; pilot and system manager.

Power Plant: Two 800 Milli Cochrane impulse driver engines, four RCS thrusters, four sarium krellide storage cells.

Length: 4.5 m; beam, 3.1 m; height 1.8 m.

Mass: 1.12 metric tones.

Performance: Maximum delta-v, 16,750 m/sec.

Armament: Three Type-V phaser emitters.


Type:  Light short-range warp shuttle. 

Accommodation:  Two flight crew, six passengers. 

Power Plant: One 50 Cochrane warp engine, two 750 Milli Cochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters. 

Length: 6.0 m; beam, 4.4 m; height 2.7 m. Mass: 3.38 metric tonnes. 

Performance:  Sustained Warp 3. 

Armament: Two Type-IV phaser emitters.

2x Danube Class Runabouts


Officers and Crew: 12-15

Evacuation Limit: 40

Overall Length: 23.1 meters

Overall Draft: 5.4 meters

Overall Beam: 13.7. meters

Full Impulse: .25c

Cruise Speed: Warp 4, Maximum Velocity Warp 4.7 (for twelve hours)

Transporters: One standard 2-personnel


Standard 6 Type V phaser arrays

1 torpedo launcher (optional)

1x Talon Class Scout


Specs: Scout, Length in Meters: 24

Height in Meters: 5

Width in Meters: 16

Mass in Metric Tons: 12,500

Decks: 1

Standard Crew Compliment: 2 if modified 8

Maximum Personnel Capacity: 2 if modified 8 persons

Phaser Type: VI

Torpedo Launchers (Total): 1

Warp Reactor: M/ARA

Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 5

Maximum Cruising Speed: Warp 7

Maximum Speed: Warp 8.5 Time Maximum Speed Can Be Sustained: 2 Hours



Type: Light industrial manipulator (Sphinx M1A), medium industrial manipulator (Sphinx M2A), medium tug (Sphinx MT3D).

Accommodation: Pilot (M1A, M2A); pilot and cargo specialist (MT3D).

Power Plant: One micro fusion reactor, four alfinium krellide power storage cells, four RCS thrusters.

Length: 6.2 m

Beam:  2.6 m

Height:  2.5 m

Mass: 1.2 metric tones.

Performance:  Maximum delta-v, 2,000 m/sec.

Armament:  None

London Class Troop Transport x4



Troop Compliment: 225

Evacuation Limit: 500

Overall Length: 25 meters

Overall Draft: 6 meters

Overall Beam: 14 meters

Full Impulse: .25c

Cruise Speed: Warp 4, Maximum Velocity Warp 4.7 (for twelve hours)

Transporters: None

The Troop shuttles share the same basic performance specs as that of a Runabout Class minus the weapons and luxuries.