Engineering Appendix

Engineering System Descriptions

The Warp Propulsion System is a RamJet Mark 2 Standard Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive, developed by RamJet Propulsion. Information on this Warp Drive can be found in any Starfleet Library or Omnipedia. The normal cruising speed is warp 7 thanks to innovaitons discovered and utilized in the General Electric Type 8 M/ARA Warp Drive outfitted in all Starfleet Vessels currently in service. This upgrade prevents further pollution to subspace. A maximum speed of warp 9.89 can be maintained for 12 hours.

The Impulse Propulsion System is the standard Akira Class mass drivers developed and built by HighMPact Propulsion. Output is comparable to Ambassador Class. Each engine (there are two impulse engines) can propel the Akira Class at speeds within the area known as Standard impulse operations. These speeds are limited to a maximum speed of .25c, with each engine working at .125c, due to time dilation problems. Quarter impulse is rated at .0625c, half impulse being .125c and full impulse is rated at .25c or 1/4th the speed of light.

The Reaction Control System is the Standard Version 4 magnetohydrodynamic gas-fusion thrusters, identical to thrusters deployed on the Ambassador Class starship. There are 24 of these thrusters spread across the primary hull to facilitate precise movement. Each thruster quad can produce 4.2 million Newtons of exhaust.

There are twelve Transporter Systems located throughout the ship. 4 Personnel Transporters are able to beam up or out at a rate of approximately 100 persons her hour per transporter with a maximum range of 40,000 km and a maximum payload of 900 kg (1763 lbs). 4 Cargo Transporters are set for a quantum (lifeform) resolution of 1 metric ton, with a maximum payload mass of 800 metric tons for standard molecular resolution (non-lifeform) and a maximum beam up/out rate on the quantum setting of approximately 100 persons per hour per transporter. Then there are 4 Emergency Transporters with a maximum range of 15,000 km (send only) with the range depending upon the available power. The Emergency Transporters have a maximum beam out rate of 200 persons per hour per transporter. So if all four transporters have power that is 800 people per hour for emergency beam out.

The Tractor Beam is a multiphase subspace graviton beam, used for direct manipulation of objects from a submicron to a macroscopic level at any relative bearing to the Akira Class. Each emitter is directly mounted to the primary members of the ship's framework, to lessen the effects of isopiestic subspace shearing, inertial potential imbalance, and mechanical stress.

Each tractor beam emitter is built around three multiphase 15 MW graviton polarity sources, each feeding two 475 millicochrane subspace field amplifiers. Phase accuracy is within 1.3 arc-seconds per microsecond, which gives superior interference pattern control. Each emitter can gain extra power from the SIF by means of molybdenum-jacketed waveguides. The subspace fields generated around the beam (when the beam is used) can envelop objects up to 920 meters, lowering the local gravitational constant of the universe for the region inside the field and making the object much easier to manipulate.

Effective tractor beam range varies with payload mass and desired delta-v (change in relative velocity). Assuming a nominal 15 m/sec-squared delta-v, the multiphase tractor emitters can be used with a payload approaching 116,380,000,000 metric tons at less than 2,000 meters. Conversely, the same delta-v can be imparted to an object massing about one metric ton at ranges approaching 30,000 kilometers. The primary purpose of the tractor beam is for towing or manipulation of objects. The secondary purpose would be for tactical advantages as in pushing enemy ships into each other.

Deflector Dish A standard Akira Class main deflector dish is located along the ventral portion of the Akira Class's primary hull, and is located just forward of the primary engineering spaces. Composed of molybdenum/duranium mesh panels over a tritanium framework (beneath the Duranium-Tritanium hull), the dish can be manually moved twelve degrees in any direction off the ship's Z-axis. The main deflector dish's shield and sensor power comes from two graviton polarity generators located on deck 17, each capable of generating 128 MW, which can be fed into two 550 millicochrane subspace field distortion generators.

Computer Core There are two computer cores on the USS Tomcat. The primary core occupies space on decks 7, 8 and 9 far astern. The secondary computer core, much smaller than the primary core, is located adjacent from Environmental Control on Deck 16. The computer core on Akira Class starships are newer versions of the Galaxy Class Isolinear Processing Core. The system is powered by a smaller, regulated EPS conduit directly from the warp core. Cooling of the isolinear loop is accomplished by a regenerative liquid nitrogen loop, which has been refit to allow a delayed-venting heat storage unit for “Silent Running” when needed. The requirements of the computer core rarely exceed 45-50 percent of the total core processing and storage capacity. The rest of the core is utilized for various scientific, tactical or intelligence gathering missions. The secondary computer core is to back up data in the event of a damaged primary core. The Computer Systems Engineer and his/her specific engineering team, along with the Assistant and Chief Engineer and delegated Science officers and Command Officer are allowed access to the computer cores.